My Family Is In Danger

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Andrew: Dustin, what the fuck you mean they've been kidnapped?!

Me: Exactly what it sounds like! That nigga took my family!

Ali: Don't you mean kids?

Me: (looked at her stupid) No matter what me Dakota go through, she's still the love of my life!

Ali: (mumbles: You don't act like it.)

Is this bitch stupid or is she just stupid?


Us: 😳

Ali: Excuse me?

Angela: You heard me.

Ali: I don't know who you think you're talking to but it ain't me!

Angela: Girl, gone somewhere with that. (Waving her off)

Ali: Andrew, you're going to let her talk to me like that?!

Andrew: Ali, I love you but I agree with her.

Ali: (turned to I) Isaiah?

Isaiah: Lately, you've been a bitch to everyone especially the twins. THE TWINS! FUCKING BABIES!!

Ali: 😒

Isaiah: So, whatever you're trying to do, ain't going to happen! Because my ass just shut that shit down!

So....she's been a bitch to my kids?! To me, I don't care but to my kids?! That's a very different fucking story! I will be sure to discuss this fucking matter with Dakota but for now we need to forget about Ali's ass and focus on the serious situation at hand.

We came up with a plan that was for sure going to work and get everyone out safely....well some of us. *laughs* I'm kidding! I'm kidding! We all strapped up and stood in a circle and did a prayer. Once the prayer was done, we made our way out to the truck and pulled off.


Angela: Y'all see that damn warehouse?

Me: The tracker says that we're right in front of it but I don't see shit.

Isaiah: Wait--y'all hear that?

We all got quiet and listened. Off in the distance, was sounded like rounds of shots being released. Realizing that it was coming from this warehouse that we've been looking for. First thing that popped into my head was the kids, Dakota, the baby......and Danny.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now