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Me and Isaiah both looked at the door and seen that it was Andrew and Dustin. I mean I wasn't even looking at Andrew, I was really looking at Dustin. He was standing there...looking at me. He had on a all black v-neck shirt that had rips in it, blue trues, with a blue and black Dodgers SnapBack, and his gold chains and earring.

He was looking good.

Me: What are you doing here?

Dustin: Your brother called me.

Me: (looked over at A)

Andrew: He should've been here instead of Danny but that doesn't matter right now.

Me: Doesn't matter? *scoffs* Now, he doesn't matter?!?!

Andrew: At a time like this...no!

Me: Have you forgotten that he was about to become my husband, your brother-n-law, and the father to my unborn child?!

Out the corner of my eye, I seen the look on Dustin's face and again....realized that he didn't know I got my memory back. Well....he does now.

Andrew: No, I didn't!

Me: Then, why are you trying to treat him as if he ain't shit to you?!

Andrew: Why are you defending him when you have kids that are alive with another man?!

Me: 😳

Not wasting another minute, I scooted towards the door and climbed out of the truck, heading back into the house to get my kids and Danny. While going into the play room, I requested us an Über. Once I had them, we made it to the car and drove away with everyone calling after us.


I. Just. Fucked. Up.......Again.

That's twice in one day that I have said some mean shit to her. I promised my parents that I wouldn't treat Dakota that way no matter what's going on with us but, that just slipped out. She's not going to talk to me for the longest...I already know.

Isaiah: The fuck was that?!?!

Me: I don't know.

Dustin: That was cold.

Me: *groaned out in frustration*

Ang and Ali both walked out and came right up to us.

Ali: What happened?

Isaiah: Our idiotic cousin just told Dakota that Danny doesn't matter in this situation and shouldn't be worry about him but, instead Dustin.

Ali: What? (Looked at me)

Dustin: But, that's not the worst part. He told her, "Why are you defending him when you have kids that are alive with another man?!"

Aww damn, Dustin!

Angela: You said WHAT?!?!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now