I Thought (Pt. 1)

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Dustin went around the corner and came back with......Ali. She looked scared but then relieved that it was us. None of us was happy. Especially me. She fucking turned on her family!

Ali: You guys are ok!

Danny: Ok and..?

Ali: (looked at Dan) What's up with you?

Me: Why are you even trying to talk to us? Didn't you give us up?

Ali: No..yes but no that's not what it look like.

Me & Ang: But it is.

Dustin: What are you getting from this?!

Ali: Nothing! It's not fo-(gco)

Then suddenly, both Ali and Dustin fell to the floor with knives in their backs. I shrieked which had the twins start crying and the same for me. Angela and Danny were trying to calm us down but it wasn't happening. I looked back and seen the guys staring at Dustin and Ali. In the midst of my crying, I began to get an eerie feeling and it became stronger, stronger, and stronger until I felt a presence standing directly behind me.

I slowly lifted my head and began turning it to face what was behind me. When I was completely turned around....I was staring at....nothing.


I froze.

"*chuckles turns to laughter*"

Heart stopped beating.

"*Laughter turns into Crazy Laughter*"

I began turning my head but only to be met with the one face I didn't want to be close with.

Khleo: Oh babe....we're going to live happily ever after. *smiles*

Me: (looked around) Where is my family?!

Khleo: *starts laughing again*

He started laughing again but this time it turned into a psychotic laugh.

Me: What did you do with them?!?!

◼️◾️▪️Before you guys continue reading, I wanted to let y'all know that there are some disgusting things that happens. You can skip or read but it's totally up to y'all. But you guys may continue now.▪️◾️◼️

He only continued to laugh harder but then he turned my head straight and what was in front of me...was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen. My family. My family. MY FUCKING FAMILY WAS HANGING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

They were hanging by their necks...dripping blood....from their eyes, nose, ears.....chest.....stomachs. I grabbed onto my stomach because I couldn't stomach any of this but then I didn't feel my stomach and I looked down to see that my baby wasn't in me anymore. I heard that laugh and again and looked up to see them hanging like the rest, and was the same way, too.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now