Happy Ending or Beginning.?

177 9 2

Dakota P.O.V

After talking to Chris, I've decided to just go home and get ready for tomorrow. I told Ali and them, that I was going home and just hopped into my car and sped off.

To be honest, I really wanted to go hangout with Dustin and the twins. But, I don't know where he's staying.

*Phone Starts Ringing*

Me: (answered) Hello?

"Hey, Dakota!"

Me: Hey, Dustin! What's up?

"I was kinda wondering if you wanted to come over to the hotel where I'm staying and hangout with us?"

Me: Um, yeah! Sure!

"Alright! I'm staying at the Embassy Hotel."

Me: Ok! See y'all soon.

"See ya! (Hung up)"

Turning off the Main Street, I sped on to the entrance of the freeway and made my way to the hotel. Realizing the twins stroller in the trunk, I thought that we could-(gco)


Me: Open text message.

"Opening message......Message from Dustin:

Hey! There's a park around here and I thought that we can have a picnic instead of being in a room."

Me: Reply back: "Sure! Uh, did I pack them extra clothes and diapers?" Send.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now