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This Chapter is only Dakota & Dustin's. The next one will be Dakota's then, solely focus only on Ali and Diablo.


Dakota P.O.V

Waking up this morning to the babies in the bed, left me hella confused. I was about to reach for my phone when I seen a note attached to it. I grabbed it and it read:


Me and Ali had to go out of town for a little bit and won't be back until Saturday. We put the twins in the bed with you. While we were heading out, they woke up and we bathed them, fed them and changed them. So, they shouldn't wake up until an hour from now. Call if you need anything.

Love, your big brother!"

So, they just decided to tell me.......in a note that they were going out of town?. Jackasses. *sighs*

What to do? What to do?...I guess I can have a girls day with Kae and Chy while the twins play with King. *thinks* That's what we'll do.


Kae: Hey, Gia đình!

[In Vietnamese, Gia đình means family.]

Milan: Dì! Dì! (Jumps up and down)

[In Vietnamese, means Auntie.]

Kae: My baby! (Picks him up) You getting big on Dì. You know that?

Milan: *smiling*

Me: Where is Chy and King?

Kae: She went to go pick him up.

Me: I thought.....she had him?

Kae: Nope. But, where's 'Ori?

Me: In the kitchen, eating.

[Amori: MAMA!]

Me: Here I come, baby!

I go back in the kitchen and I see that she had ice cream smeared all over her hi-chair table, in her hair, face, and clothes. Once she seen me, she started laughing and banging on her table.

Me: Amori!

Amori: Mama! 😁

Me: *sighs* I just gave your butt a bath! *lightly chuckles*

Amori: *giggles* Mama?

Me: (cleaning up the mess) Yes?

Amori: 아빠?

[In Korean, 아빠 means Daddy.]

Me: Huh?

Amori: Dad-dy?

Me: (changed subject) Dì is here!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now