4 1/2 Months Later

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**4 1/2 months later**

So I'm now 4 months pregnant and I have not told anybody. Well, I mean, we haven't told anybody, yet. I'm showing and people still haven't noticed. Maybe it's because I'm wearing these damn baggy clothes. But any who, today we are going to tell the guys and Ali the news.

[At The Breeding Household]

*In The Living Room*

Ali: Damn! Kota, you need to stop eating so much.

Me: Nope. (Still eating)

Kelly: She's right. All that food is not good for you.

Patrick: Ma'am, you're eating like your pregnant.

Me: (stops looking at the tv and eating)

Carnell: OHMYGOD! You are!

Ali: My cuz is going to be a mommy!

Kelly: Congrats, big bro!

Carnell & Patrick: Yeah, congrats to the both of you!

Me & Dustin: Thanks! *smiling hard*

[Bryan and Valerie walked in]

Bryan: Holá, mi la familia!

Us: Hey!

Valerie: Wow! Really? (Looking at me) [whispers: Fat Ass]

Me: TF?! (Sits forward)

Dustin: Baby, let it go.

And I did. I laid my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. We continued watching tv, completely ignoring her. *Later that day, I was in Dustin's room and decided to call my girls.

*Via Face Time*

Me: Hey, my babies!

Kae & Chyna: Boo! Love! We miss you!

Me: I miss you guys, too!

Kae: So, how you've been Mrs. Breeding?

Me: I've been doing good.

Chyna: Wait! There's something different about you.

Me: Huh? What?

Kae: Her hair?

Chyna: No, she's glowing!

Kae: What?

Me: What?! No!

Chyna: My love, you're pregnant!

Me: *just smiles*

Kae: OhMyBoo!! You're going to be a mommy!

[Dustin laughs in the background] 

Chyna & Kae: Hey, bro!

Dustin: Hey, lil sisters!

Kae: Congrats!

Dustin: Thanks!

[Someone knocking at the door]

Dustin: Who is it?

???: Carnell.

Dustin: It's opened!

Carnell: Yo, D, we gotta tell you something!

Dustin: I'll be back, baby. (Kisses me)

*20 minutes later*


Me: What?! Really?! That's good! When does it start?

Dustin: Monday Oct. 14th. (Paused) Aww shit! The ultrasound. Baby, I'm sorry. I forgot.

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now