Are Serious?!

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Dustin P.O.V (Cont.)

The sight of his ass just irks my soul and the fact that Dakota is soooo fascinated by him just............UGH!!!!!!

I threw my cup I was drinking and just ran up on him and just started beating the shit out of my head. He turned and looked at me before speaking.

Danny: You straight?

Me: Why you askin'?

Danny: 'Cause you starin' like you got a problem.

Me: That's because I do.

Danny: Let me's about Dakota being around me, huh?

Me: 😠

Danny: *chuckled*

Me: What's fuckin' funny?

Danny: You! You're over here mad at me because I'm doing my job. Protecting her and y'all kids from a fucker who's out to kill them! Instead of worrying about the relationship we have, you need to be worrying about how to keep them and yourself safe!

He walked passed me going who knows where. Just as long he's not anywhere near Dakota then I'm fine.

I walked upstairs and decided that I was going to take a nap. But, when I made it to my door, I heard talking coming from Amori's room. I walked over to her door and pressed my ear against it, listening to whoever was on the other side.

"I have to be your girlfriend....again?"

Girlfriend? Again?

"Yeah. It's the only way you'll get your memory back."

"I thought we was already together?"

"Well, we are. But, before......something kind of happened and we had to break up."

"Oh........was it bad?"

"*sighs* ......Lets just say that it had us both hurt."

"..........Danny, I don't know about this."

"I said the same thing but, like Isaiah said, what choice do we have?"

So, they've dated before?! And he hurt her, too?!

Me: (busted in) So, y'all dated before?!?!

They looked at me and didn't say shit.

Me: Um, hello?!

Dakota: Can't you see you our daughter is sleeping?

Me: (looked into the crib) But, yet..y'all in here talking about being a couple and shit!

Dakota: Honestly! Wh-(gco)

Danny: Let's go in the hall.

We all walked into the hall, while he closed the door behind him.

Me: You we're saying?

Dakota: Honestly! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Danny: Él está enojado sobre nosotros siempre estar juntos. *smirks*

[He's mad about us always being together.]

Dakota: Realmente?!

[In Spanish, Realmente?! means Really?!.]

Danny: Sí. *chuckled* Le dije que sólo estoy haciendo mi trabajo, pero él todavía está enojado que estoy pasando más tiempo con usted.

[Yes. I told him I'm just doing my job but, he's still pissed that I'm spending more time with you.]

Dakota: *laughs* Patético.


Me: The fuck y'all saying?!

Dakota: Nothing. Anyways....I'm *yawns* I'm going to go take a nap. Se-(gco)

Me: (grabs her arm) No! You're going to stand here and listen to what the fuck I have to say!

Dakota: Let me go! (Hitting my hand)

Danny: Dude! Let her go! (Pushes me off)

Me: Don't fuckin' touch me!!

Dak & Dan: Then, don't fuckin' touch me (her)!!

Andrew, Isaiah, and Ali all ran up to see what was going on.

Andrew: The hell goin' on?!

Dakota: This dipshit fuckin' grabbing on me and shit!

Ali: Dustin, the fuck wrong witchu?! She's pregnant for god sakes! Remember?!

I stared directly at Isaiah since he's the one to think of that stupid ass idea.

Me: So, you thought it was a good idea to stick her back with her ex again?! Her fuckin' ex?!?!?

Isaiah: What else was I supposed to think of?! You didn't put out any ideas because yo' ass is salty as fuck!

Me: Want some ideas?!

Isaiah: Yeah!

Me: (turned to Dk) On October 8th, 2013, was the day we got together. Same day, a year later, I proposed to you, four and a half months later, you were pregnant with the twins-(gco)

An/Al/Is: Dustin, NO!

Andrew: You're going to confuse her!!!

Me: She needs to know!

Isaiah: In fucking order!!

Me: You know what?...Fuck it!

I walked into my room and grabbed my bags and started packing my shit because I refuse to stay somewhere where I have to watch my love being back with her ex just to get her memory back. Fuck no!

Once I was done, I picked up my bags and walked out of the room. This nigga gone say, "What about the twins? Think about their feelings!" and then stuck out his arm for me to stop but, I just shoved it and continued to walked down the stairs.

"Your room number will be 215C, on the second floor."

Me: Thanks!

"Have a good day!"

Me: You, too!

He handed me my room key and I was off.

I got to the second floor and started looking for my room. It was at the end and I made my way over to it.

Stepping inside, I looked around and took everything in. For it being a one bed, it was big as fuck. Meaning more room for me to move around. After setting my bags, I grabbed my keys and room key and headed back out.

I think it's time I pay ol' Jim boy a visit. 😈


😒........Whatcha think?

In the mm: Dustin.

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_ 's books. They're REALLY good and you'll love 'em!

Wanted By Two, Taken By One. (Dustin Breeding Story) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now