Can't Say Goodbye

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Ali P.O.V

The day I found out that my older brother, Isaiah 'Diablo' Morales was out here, was also the same day I found out that he was shot in the head twice, shot in the chest three times, and put into a coma. Never in my life, did I want to hear that I could lose my brother, the only family from my side of the family. We both promised our parents that we'll have each other's back through whatever. But, this one time I couldn't.

"It's ok, Ali. We know what you're going through."

"How was your life growing up with Isaiah?"

At first, I couldn't stand him but, as we grew up, I wanted to do everything with him. You know, have that brother and sister relationship but, all we did was fight. *chuckles* I remember a time that me and him got into a fight and it got bad well, I mean for him it did.

"Tell us about that time."

Well, it was during summer break and we were packing to go out of town to see our Grandparents. And Isaiah thought it would be funny to pull all my stuff out of my suitcases and place them in different places around the house. When I had gotten out of the shower and seen my stuff thrown, I was so pissed that I had threw on my clothes and went directly to his room. His ass was sitting on his bed with a smile plastered on his face. Instead of talking, I just ran up to him and started punching the shit out of him until my dad and uncle pulled me off of him.

After finally getting my stuff back into my suit cases, with the help of Dakota, it was time to go. Now mind you that I hadn't seen Isaiah since I beat him but, when he got into the car and looked at me, I just busted out laughing. I gave him two black eyes and a busted lip. After that day, he never messed with my stuff again. *smiling*

"Oh my god! That was so mean!"

No, it wasn't.

"That's crazy but, was there a time where you guys actually could stand each other or had that brother and sister relationship?"

Yeah............It was around the time I had just started my last year of college and I had met this guy name Jeremy Scott (not the designer). When we first met, we only hung out with each other to get to know one another. We've been friends for about three months and decided to give a relationship a try.

Well, one day, he was over at my dorm and we were watching a movie. He had fallen asleep and his phone vibrated. I picked it up and seen he had gotten a text from somebody by the name 'Dominos'. I put his phone on silent and unlocked his phone and read the message. I threw his phone at my wall and it shattered causing him to wake up. The first place he looked was the floor then on my nightstand. He snatched me up so quick and started yelling at me. I pushed his ass off and I landed right on my bed, standing up so I was face to face with him. Now when I tell tall that I was yelling my head, I was yelling my head off! I'm asking him about that person named 'Dominos' and the other bitches he named food places. Then the unthinkable happened. He head butted me to where I fell back into my wall, hitting my head. He then grabs me by my ankles and pulls me towards him and started hitting with his belt any and everywhere he could until the white meat started showing. And right before he was finished, he threw on his Timbs and stomped my face out.

Once he left, I laid in the same position for hours until there was knocking at my door. I had remembered that I had invited my brother since he was in town. When I didn't answer the door, kept knocking then, started calling me. As much pain that I was in, I crawled my way to the door and unlocked and opened it, falling back to the floor. When the door opened all the way, he dropped to the ground and started asking me what happened and who did this. I couldn't answer him because of my mouth and then he tried picking me up and I screamed because my body ached.

After my parents, Andrew and Dakota, and the school had found out, they went to Jeremy's dorm and didn't find his ass. Come to find out, he fled the city and went back to his hometown until his mother turned him in. While I was trying to get over the situation, Isaiah was right there with me. Instead of leaving me in a dorm by myself, he had bought an apartment for the both so he can keep an eye on me.

If it wasn't for that day, we would have never became this close.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. Let me catch his ass in the streets. *laughs*"

*laughs* Me and the fam do, too!

"Whatever happened to him? I mean is he still in jail or?"

Honestly.....I don't know and don't care to know. Now, that y'all know eh somewhat of my life with my brother, it's time to get back to reality.

I just want my best friend to wake up because I can't deal with this. It was hard when we lost both parents and he ended up leaving me but, this just makes all the more harder.

Father, if you can hear me.......please don't take my only blood (besides Dakota, twins, and Andrew) away for me because I wouldn't know what to do with myself. Please, please don't take him away from me. *starts crying*


In mm: Ali.

Poor Ali! This is too sad but, tell me whatcha think!

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P.s.: If there's any mistakes, please excuse them. Thanks!

And also........go check out my girl, _dec13_'s books. They're really, really, REALLY good!

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