2- Maybe It Is

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“Skye, come here. The results are up for the first pool!” Layla yelled to me as I put down my sandwich. I ran over, looking at the results. I had gotten 5th place! Yes! “Fifth place, not too shabby Skye,” Layla said.

“Not too shabby? When have you ever said that?” I asked her, but I was still thrilled at how well I had done. I’m not the best fencer, but I guess I’m not the worst either. “Wait, don’t you only get medals up to third place?”

“Up to 6th, so you get one!” Layla smiled in my direction. We started walking back towards the locker room, when a familiar Irish accent fled my ears. We turned our heads and saw a gorgeous blonde haired boy looking our way.

“Hey, would you happen to know where the bathrooms are?” He asked Layla, but she lost her train of thought and I had to step in and answer for her.

“They’re down that hallway, first door on the left should be the men’s room.” I told him, pointing in the direction of the hallway. He smiled at me, thanked me for the directions, and went on his way. Then, I turned towards Layla and she just stared. 

“H-how did you do that? Without fangirling and screaming?” She asked me, confused.

“It’s not that hard, he’s just a normal guy.” With the voice of an angel, and those eyes, they locked with mine, and it was amazing. Wow. I guess I was staring off into space because Layla was yelling my name by the time I heard her. “What? Oh, sorry.” I said, trying not to sound distant.

“You were thinking about him, weren’t you?” Layla asked, knowing that I was.

“Maybe, it’s hard not to with those eyes, they’re amazing.” I said, looking at Layla.

“Ugh, I know.. Harry’s too! Well we better get you changed and ready for medals now.” Layla said as we walked into the locker room.

As I walked over to my bag, I pulled out my phone and it started ringing. “One way, or another, I’m gonna find ya. I’m gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha.” “Oops, I guess I forgot to put it on vibrate.” I blushed at my ringtone, but when I looked over at Layla she was singing along and dancing. I laughed, then she noticed I was watching.

“Hey Skye, remember when we made that parody?” She asked, laughing in-between words.

“Ha-ha, oh yeah! How awesome would it be if we were able to actually record it? Like in a studio and all?” I asked, my face lighting up with joy at the thought. What if after Niall presented me my medal, we talked and we hung out and then my phone would just happen to ring and-- My thoughts were cut off by the intercom going off.

“Will all Women’s Foil and Epée Fencers report to the Main Gym for the Awards Ceremony.”

Layla and I walked down the stairs to the Gym and were greeted by Amelia and Blakely. “Hey guys, Amelia, how’d you do?”

“I got 1st!” She blurted out.

“That’s great! I knew you’d do fantastic. I got 5th.” I said, a little disappointed, but at least I still placed.

“Awesome!” So we both get medals given to us by the boys.

“We do indeed,” I said, laughing with Amelia.

“First up, Women’s Foil. The first place award goes to-” Then the microphone was given to Harry Styles of One Direction, “Amelia Jones!” We all clapped and cheered as Amelia walked up to the awards booth., which caused the boys to look our way. She blushed as Harry put the gold medal around her neck. Then we waited for my turn. It was closer than I wanted it to be because I was nervous about falling or tripping in front of Niall. He called my name, and I walked up to the booth. 

“Hey, nice to see you again. I wish we could talk longer before.” He smiled as he put the medal around my neck.

“I know, and thanks for the medal.” I blushed, then when I went to walk back to my group, he grabbed my arm.

“Oh. By the way, beautiful name.“ I’m pretty sure my cheeks were as red as my shirt. When I got back, the girls noticed I had talked to Niall and were just dying to know the details.

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