78- Meet 5SoS!

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“Niall! It’s great to see you, man! It’s been awhile.” Greg ran up and hugged Niall. “Is this Skylar?” He ran over and hugged me as well. “It’s great to meet you Skylar! Niall’s told us so much about you.” Greg joked, then walked us inside their home in Mullingar, Ireland. 

“Wow, you guys have a beautiful home.” I said, gazing in awe at the beautiful architectural detail. We walked into Theo’s room, which was upstairs, to find Denise holding him. “Oh my gosh, he’s so cute Nialler! Look at him!” 

“He’s a Horan, what else can I say?” Denise chuckled, then handed him over so Niall could hold his little nephew. “I’m Denise, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you Skylar.” 

“I’ve heard a lot about you guys, and it’s nice to meet you too! I love hearing Niall talk about his family, but it’s great to finally meet them myself. Theo is absolutely adorable, Denise.” I told her, as we walked back downstairs and into the room Niall and I were sharing. 

“Niall’s really excited for kids, I hope you’re ready for that.” Denise joked with me, then helped me unpack our bags.

“I’ve been wanting kids for as long as I can remember, so I think we’ll be good!” As I finished talking, Niall walked into the room with Theo. 

“Say hi to Skylar!” Niall said in a baby voice, then held Theo’s hand up to wave to me, and I waved back with a big smile plastered across my face. “So where are you two going tonight?” Niall asked Denise, then handed Theo to me, so I could hold him.

“Greg’s taking me out to this beautiful, and expensive, restaurant called Jones’. It’ll be the first time we’ve been out since Theo was born.” Denise explained to us. “Are you sure you don’t mind watching him for the night?” 

“Look at these two, they’re getting along already! We’ll be just fine Denise, you two have fun tonight!” Niall chuckled, then added, “but not too much fun.” 

“Ready dear?” Greg came downstairs in a nice, black suit and suit. “Thanks so much guys, it’ll be a nice relaxing night with Denise.”

“It’s absolutely no problem, bro. Go have fun.” Niall hugged his brother, and Denise, after they kissed their son goodbye. “Alright, party!” Niall joked, then tickled Theo.

“So, this is what parenthood is going to be like, aye?” I asked Niall, who was now sitting on the couch, feeding Theo.

“It sure is, are you ready for it?” Niall asked me, smiling at his nephew. “’Cause I know I am.” 

“I think I am, yeah. Both of my best friends are pregnant and engaged, and I feel a bit left out. I don’t want to rush you though, Niall. We’ll take our time with everything.” I sat down next to him.

“Skylar, I’ve been thinking about all of this too. With Harry and Louis having kids with their fiancee’s, I feel a bit left out too. How about tomorrow, we go on a walk in my childhood park, and we’ll think it all through. Sound good?” 

“Sounds great.” I gave Niall a kiss on the lips, then we went upstairs to get Theo to bed. “Why don’t you sing him a lullaby, Ni?” Theo kept crying, and it’s been going on for about twenty minutes.

“Good thinking, babe.” Niall began to sing ’Twinkle Twinkle’ to his nephew. Once Niall got to the second verse, he was out like a light. “Perfect.” He leaned in the crib and gave Theo a kiss goodnight. 

“So now what?” I asked him, as we exited the baby’s room. 

“Let’s head to bed. It’s been a long day.” Niall put his arm around me, and we walked into the room we shared. 

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