75- Signed to Sheeran's

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“So what’s for dinner?” I asked Layla and Louis who were beginning to cook dinner in the kitchen. 

“Chicken parmesan and spaghetti.” Louis yelled to me, while putting the chicken in the oven. 

“Sounds delicious.” Harry said, walking in the door with Amelia to his right. 

“So where were you lovebirds all day?” I asked. Amelia sat next to me on the kitchen barstools while Harry walked up to their room to put bags away. 

“Harry took me to the boardwalk, then we went on a romantic boat ride.” Amelia told us. Everyone in the kitchen awed. “It was awesome, so what did you guys all do today?” 

“Where’s Nialler?” Harry asked, walking back down the stairs. 

“Watching the game.” I told him, then he walked over to where Niall was. “Well Niall and I made pancakes, cake, watched a movie, then went to the boardwalk.”

“Sounds like fun! What about you Lay?” Amelia asked.

“Louis and I went shopping, then to the boardwalk.” She said, stirring the pasta. “Lou, do you think we’ll have enough?” She turned around to Louis and asked.

“Enough for the six of us? I think so.” Amelia stated.

“Ed’s coming over for dinner!” I exclaimed. “Louis and Layla said he had to tell me something, so they invited him over.”

“Awesome! I miss Ed!” Amelia cheered. 

“Skye, could you set the table for us?” Louis asked me, and I nodded. I walked over into the kitchen and out of the window, I saw that Ed had arrived.

“Ed’s here! Amelia, could you get the door?” I yelled, then grabbed the plates I needed from the cabinet. Once I finished setting the table, Layla and Louis put all the food down. “C’mon guys, dinner’s ready!” I walked into the living room to where the others were sitting. 

“Skylar!” Ed cheered, then brought me into a hug. “I’ve got something great to tell you.”

“Tell me over dinner, so everyone else can hear. If that’s okay.” I told him.

“Perfect.” He said, then we followed everyone else into the dining room. “Looks good Lou and Lay. I’m starved.” We all sat down in our respective seats and chowed down on the chicken and pasta. 

“So Ed, how have you been?” Niall asked him.

“Pretty good. The next album should be out soon. Speaking of, Skylar.” He stopped talking and everyone looked over at me.

“Yes, Ed?” I asked him, anxious to hear what he had to tell me.

“Well that one night where we sang on stage, I had some fans record it and I showed it to my producer. He absolutely loved you and your songs.” Ed told me the news and I could just feel my cheeks getting brighter. My smile was bigger than ever as well. 

“That’s awesome Skye!” Harry cheered.

“That’s not even the best part Haz.” Ed said, then everyone got silent. “They want to sign Skylar to our record label.” My jaw immediately dropped to the floor.

“Me? A record label? No way!” I yelled, jumping out of my seat.

“Congrats Skye!!” Niall yelled, then gave me a massive hug. 

“Thank you so much Ed, this means so much to me.” I ran over to him and gave him a massive hug as well. “So what’s the details with everything then?”

“They want you at the studio tomorrow morning with your songs and guitar at 7. Can you do it?” Ed told me.

“I’ll make sure I can. Thank you so much Ed. I can’t say that enough.” I hugged him again. My own record deal, wow. I can’t believe it, my songs are going to be heard around the world. I don’t care if only ten people show up at my concerts, that’s ten people who love my music and love me.

“Well I’d better get going now. Thanks for dinner, it was delicious guys!” Ed said, then gave everyone a hug goodbye. After Ed left, Niall and I cleaned up the table. 

“Skye, I’m so happy for you.” Niall told me.

“This is absolutely amazing Ni.” I told him, with a massive smile plastered onto my face. 

“Nervous about tomorrow?” He asked me, beginning to wash the dishes.

“Extremely.” I said, my voice breaking a bit. “Hey Ni?” I asked him, and he stopped washing the dishes and came over to me by the table. “Could you come with me tomorrow? You know, for support?” 

“Anything for you babe.” He said, then gave me a reassuring hug. We finished cleaning up, then walked outside on the porch where everyone else was resting.

“Skylar, that was some amazing news.” Harry said to me.

“Right? I’m really happy for you!” Layla said afterwards. 

“Thanks guys! I’m really excited. I didn’t think my songs were that good, but I guess they are!” I joked. 

“What do you mean ‘not good?’ Skye, your songs are awesome!” Amelia told me.

“Really? You think so?” I asked.

“Ed’s label wouldn’t have signed you if they weren’t.” Amelia reassured me. 

“Okay, okay. Thanks for the support guys. It really helps.” I told my friends, then Louis came outside with a cake. “What’s this?” 

“It’s a cake, silly.” Louis chuckled. “It’s a congrats cake for all of us. For Harry and Amelia’s engagement. For mine and Layla’s six month anniversary, and now for your signing!” 

“Awesome! Let’s dig in!” I cheered, then Layla walked over to Louis and helped cut the cake. 

“Delicious, Lou. You sure know how to bake cakes.” Harry told him.

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