26- Would You Go Out With Me?

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“Oh really? How come I’ve never heard this before.” Niall asked me. We were all getting ready to go back up on stage. 

“It’s never really come up in conversation, and I’m not really open about it.” I told him, and just as I was finishing, Paul came in and told us to go back on stage.

“We’ll talk about it later, come on babe.” He grabbed my hand and walked me out on stage, along with the others.

“Hello New Jersey! We are back, and we’ve got a special announcement for these girls.” Liam yelled into the microphone. This time, I had gotten an earpiece so I won’t be deaf by the end of the night. The crowd cheered louder than ever.

“Let’s go boys.” Zayn said, into the microphone. Then he turned to Blakely and grabbed her hand. Harry did the same to Amelia, and Louis to Layla. So I turned to Niall, and he grabbed my hand too, but he pulled me off to the side.

“I’ve got a different surprise for you, Skye,” he whispered in my ear, causing me to be confused. We walked back to the group and I smiled, looking at my three best friends, hand in hand with their celebrity crushes. “Alright boys, on 3.”




“Would you go out with me?” I heard Zayn, Harry, and Louis say to their girls in unison. Each accent stood out so you could tell they all asked. I looked at my friends, they all nodded and hugged their boyfriends. Then, I looked at Niall, he just smiled and winked at me. The crowd cheered after the girls said their response into the microphone.

“Alright we’ll have Zayn go first in this 3 part surprise for the girls.” Liam said, allowing the crowd to cheer once again.

“Thanks Liam,” then he turned to Blakely, “We had someone ask around to find out your favorite songs, and now we’re going to sing them to you.” He took her hand and sat her down on a chair in the center of the stage. “Everyone, this is Truly, Madly, Deeply.” The crowd cheered, then got silent when the music began playing.

After the song was over, and Blakely was crying, it was Layla’s turn. “Alright, now it’s my girl’s turn.” Louis took Layla’s hand and sat her in the chair. “This is Nobody Compares.” The boys stood around her, serenading her with every word. She began crying at Harry’s solo.

After that song, it was Amelia’s turn. Harry took her hand and she and Layla switched spots. “This is just for you babe,” he smiled, “This next song is Your Song.”

Amelia had the biggest smile spread across her face the entire song. The song ended and cheers were yelled, hands were clapped, and tears were cried.

We were escorted off the stage while the boys finished up the last few songs. When we got back, Ed was sitting down in the make up chair, on his phone. “Hey Ed, you okay?” I guess he didn’t notice us in there until Amelia said something. He looked up and smiled, seeing us.

“Pretty cool surprises, huh?” He asked us, chuckling.

“Best surprises ever.” Layla stated, the girls nodded in agreement.

“What about you Skylar?” He asked me, I just nodded, lying. “You’re lying to me. What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing, I’m okay.” I looked up at everyone, they were all sitting next to me on the couch, with Ed across, on the chair. “Really, I’m fine.”

“Skye, you’re upset about something, tell us!” Blakely yelled out.

“Fine, I’m upset because…” I looked down, fighting tears. Amelia rubbed my back, helping with the fight. “I thought Niall really liked me, we just got on so well.” Ed came down from the chair, on his knees now.

“Skylar, I know Niall really likes you, he’s told me.” I looked up at him and he smiled, causing me to do the same. “Just wait a little longer, you’ll understand.” he leaned in and just before I thought he was going to hug me, he planted a kiss on my cheek.

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