53- A Day at the Park, with Fans

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“Well you dawned on me…” We started playing and singing I’m Your’s by Jason Mraz, when all of a sudden a huge crowd began watching. I hate it when people watch me sing or play or anything. I don’t like the attention like that. But I’ll have to get used to it being with Niall. 

The song ended and about thirty people began clapping and cheering. I thanked them all, as did Niall. I was expecting them to leave since we had finished playing, but they all stayed and watched us. They waited for another song, but I didn’t really want to play another with them watching.

“Niall, are they going to leave?” I asked him, quietly. He shook his head ‘no’, then smiled. “W-would you like to hear another song?” I asked the crowd, hoping for a no.

However, they all cheered, then pulled out their phone and cameras, waiting for an encore. “What would you like to hear?” Amelia asked them. 

“Can we hear you guys sing What Makes You Beautiful?” One little girl yelled out, she could’ve only been seven years old. 

“Sure thing sweetie!” Harry told the little girl, “Would you like to sing it with us?” He asked her. The little girl nodded, then walked over to Harry as he put her on his lap. “What’s your name, miss?”

“Olivia.” She said, shyly.

“That’s a really pretty name!” Amelia told her, then smiled. “Alright, let’s sing What Makes You Beautiful!” She said, then I looked at Niall with the guitar in his hands. 

“I want all of you to record this and send it to us on twitter!” Niall told the crowd, then began to play. A few minutes later, after the song was finished, the crowd cheered once more. “Thank you all so much for coming out here, and we’d love to answer questions and take pictures, but we’re on a date at the moment.”

The crowd ‘awed’, then Harry told them, “How about you all come back in three hours, and we’ll take pictures and answer question with all of you. Sound good?” He asked them. “Only you guys though, don’t bring anyone else.” He added.

The crowd broke off and left us alone, at last. “Sorry about that girls. I know we said no fans.” Niall explained to us.

“It was really fun, it’s no problem, really!” I told him, then gave him a big hug. “I really enjoyed it, especially with you.” He then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“How about we all get lunch now, I’m getting hungry.” Niall mentioned.

“When aren’t you hungry?” Amelia joked.

“When I’m sleeping.” Niall responded. 

“That’s what I say when she asks me that!” I told him in astonishment. 

“You two are literally the same person!” Harry said, then we all laughed as we stood up and went to the car. “Where are we eating?”

“How about some Nando’s?” Niall asked him, giving the puppy dog eyes. How could anyone say no to them?

“I’ve wanted to go there!” I shouted.

“That’s fine with me!” Amelia stated.

“Are you guys sure?” Harry asked us, and we both nodded.

“Yay!” Niall cheered at our decision. “Nando’s it is!” We drove for another few minutes before pulling up to the nearest Nando’s. We all got out of the car and walked inside the small, fast-food restaurant. 

“I have no idea what to get.” I mentioned, then Niall came over to me.

“I usually get a chicken wrap, curly chips, corn on the cob, hot wings and a drink.” He told me. 

“I’ll take a chicken wrap, curly chips, and a soda.” I told the cashier, after Niall told her his order. Amelia and Harry ordered after Niall and I, then we all sat in the back after receiving our food.

“How is it Skye? Mel?” Niall asked us, just as I took a massive bite, so my mouth was full of food.

“It’s really good!” I managed to get out after drowning the food down with a sip of my soda.

“Delicious Niall!” Amelia told him, making him smile. “How’s yours Harry?” He looked up from taking a sip of his drink and gave her a thumbs up. After we all finished, Harry told us the time.

“Alright guys, it’s been about two and a half hours since our little performance, should we go back now?” He asked us. We all nodded our heads, then cleaned up our food mess.

When we got back to the park, a massive crowd was standing around where we were before. “Wow, look how many people showed up!” Amelia yelled, making everyone turn and look at us. 

“How nice of you all to come back,” He paused, “and you brought friends! Look who didn’t listen!” He joked with them all.

“Where’s Olivia?” Niall asked, “I want her to continue with us.” Just then, a little girl reappeared at the scene. “Hey love, how are you doing?” He asked her in a childish voice.

“Good, how are you Niall?” She asked him.

“I’m doing awesome, what song do you want to sing?” He asked her.

“Umm… Little Things!” Olivia cheered. Niall got his guitar out from behind him and we all sat down on the grass.

“Little Things it is then,” he paused letting the audience cheer. “Alright, pull out your cameras and lighters for this one.” He, then began to play the song.

Olivia sang Zayn’s part, I sang Louis’, and Amelia sang Liam’s. Together, we all sounded not terrible, but good enough to make the song last. After it ended, the crowd cheered, once again, and Niall pulled me into a hug, along with Olivia. 

“Alright, who wants to ask any of us a question?” Harry asked everyone.

“Who are these girls?” Somebody asked, so Amelia answered.

“We are Harry and Niall’s girlfriends. My name’s Amelia, and that’s Skylar.” She said, then pointed to me.

“Anything else?” I asked the crowd. 

“Can we take pictures with all of you?” Another girl asked us all.

“Sure thing babe.” Harry said, standing up to take a picture. After about thirty something pictures were taken, we all left the park to go home. When we got back to Harry’s cottage, the rest of the group still hadn’t gotten back yet.

“Where do you think they all went?” Amelia asked, plopping on the couch next to Harry.

“I’m not sure, but I hope they’re back soon.” I responded, sitting next to Niall on the adjacent couch, cuddling under a blanket. After a few moments of watching the television, the front door slammed open, and Louis ran in crying.

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