42- Looking at Landon

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“Oh, that one.” I looked away while talking.

“Babe were you suicidal?” Niall looked right into my eyes, but I looked up at Layla. I wasn’t, but…

“Of course not babe.” I told him, looking at Layla the whole time. Niall noticed, as did Louis.

“Is she lying to me Layla?” Niall asked her, but she had a tear falling down her face. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t--” he stopped talking.

“I-I was, but it was a long time ago,” she paused, looking up at Louis. “I promise. Skylar was never suicidal though, so there’s no need to worry Niall.” She weakly smiled in our direction.

“I wrote it for you, you know that right Lay?” I told her, and it was true. She was the inspiration for that song.

“Really?” She looked up and truly smiled this time. I nodded and smiled back. She got up and gave me a big hug, which was weird because we don’t really hug each other, but I guess the time was right. When I sat back down, Niall whispered in my ear.

“Babe, that was an amazing thing to do.” I looked up at him and smiled. “Maybe that’s one we could record.” At this time, we were only a few minutes of being home, so Layla reminded everyone of the funeral information.

“Alright, my mom will pick up the girls at 7 AM, wear black, and Skye? Try to get a little dressed up?” She looked at me, knowing I hate getting dressed up. I nodded and she thanked me.

“Well we’re going to let you girls go now, so we’ll see you tomorrow morning at the funeral home.” Liam told us. Everyone gave hugs and kisses to their boyfriend and Liam and said goodbye as we walked off the bus at our stop.

The Next Morning

I woke up hearing my phone buzz, it was my mom. 

Skye, you up yet?” it said, so I got up and walked downstairs to find a note. 


Had to leave early, breakfast is in the fridge, enjoy! Call me when you’re on your way home from the funeral.. Give the Rhineheart’s my condolences..

-Mom xoxo”

After eating my breakfast, I checked the time, and it was 6:26 AM. I went upstairs and picked out a nice, black dress, but not too fancy. I slid it on and put short shorts underneath because that’s just how I am. Then, I put some mascara and eyeliner on and it was 6:39 AM. My hair was straightened from my shower the night before, so I just fixed it up a bit. Then I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and put a little bit of vanilla perfume on. After getting ready, I checked the clock once again, and it was 6:58 AM. I grabbed a nice sweater, slid some sandals on and grabbed my phone.

I walked out the door and Layla had just pulled into my driveway. “Good morning!” She yelled as I stepped in the car.

“Good morning.” I groaned, I’m not much of a morning person. “Where’s Mel and Blake?” I asked, as they were not in the car.

“Blakely’s driving Mel because there’s no room in the car.” Layla told me, so I nodded. “You look gorgeous by the way Skye.” I blushed and returned the compliment.

“How are you guys doing with the whole funeral thing?” I asked, trying to sound polite while saying it.

“It’s going to be hard, but I think we can make it.” Layla’s mom told me, as we pulled up to the home. We were greeted by Blakely and Amelia as soon as we stepped out. We all did the ‘hello, how are you’ greetings, then walked inside.

“Rhineheart Family, right this way.” A young, well dressed man walked us down the hallway to Landon’s room. Layla and her parents were the first to go up, and when they finished, Blakely, Amelia and I went up to the coffin.

“He looks so much different than he was, his skin seems tighter and paler. His eyes were closed, and he was in a nice, dark black suit. His tie was his favorite color, blue.“ Layla explained to us, a tear beginning to fall. While we were up at the coffin, the boys had walked in. 

“Hello, I’m Louis, your daughter’s boyfriend.” I heard the familiar accent say to Layla’s parents. After all of the boys introduced themselves, Louis ran up to Layla and hugged her. The hug lasted for longer than a minute, and when they broke apart, I could see Layla’s make up messed up from crying. 

Blakely and Amelia walked her to the bathroom to clean her up, while Liam and Zayn walked out to the bathroom to clean Louis’ suit from the tears. Harry and Niall walked over to me and gave me a big hug, but not before complimenting my dress.

“Wow Skye, I didn’t know you looked so good in a dress.” Harry told me, which Niall didn’t appreciate.

“Relax Niall, he can compliment me.” I told him, and then he complimented my dress to make him even with Harry. “How’s your arm Harry?” I asked him.

“Pretty good, doesn’t really hurt much anymore.” He told me.

I replied with “That’s great!” After we talked for a little bit, everyone else came back and sat down for the funeral director to begin speaking.

“Landon was just a young fellow, only fourteen at that. He didn’t really play sports, although some may count skateboarding as one. He was a delight to have around, for most” He paused, letting the crowd laugh, “But poor Landon ended his life just a few days ago.” He stopped and ended the ceremony. The family, and us, were now being led out to the back cemetery where Landon would be buried.

“I’m not going to be able to do this.” Layla told us, tears beginning to fall. I looked up at her, and I could feel tears as well.

“Babe, don’t cry, it’ll be alright.” Louis tried to comfort her, but it wasn’t working as well as the wanted it to. After the burial, we all went back inside for lunch.

Niall, trying to lighten up the mood, said “Wow, I sure am hungry!” That caused a few of us to chuckle, but not everyone was enthused with his humor. Layla’s mom shot Niall a death glare, and he kept quiet throughout the entire lunch. Almost the entire table was silent because no one wanted to upset anyone.

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