29- St. Patrick's Day Serenade

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“H-hi Ed, how are you?” I managed to ask. Niall pulled me in tighter, showing that I’m his.

“I’m okay, c-can we talk?” He caught me off guard with that question, but I nodded as we walked down the stairs.

“Look Ed, I really appreciate y--” He cut me off.

“Skylar, I didn’t mean for that to happen, I swear. I was just caught up in the moment, and you’re just so beautiful.” He told me, but I looked away, blushing.

“Thank you, but like I told you last night, I like Niall.” He looked at me with saddened blue eyes, “I’m sorry Ed.” I opened my arms for a hug, but when he rejected me, I pulled him into one anyway.

“We can still be friends right?” He asked, but continued talking. “Because I’d really love to write with you one day.”

“Of course Ed!” I hugged him again then we walked back upstairs. Layla looked over at me and Ed.

“Everything okay?” She asked me, hoping for a yes.

“We’re all good!” Ed said, then smiled at me. I returned the smile then went over and sat next to Niall. 

“So, are you ready for today?” Niall asked me, but I was still oblivious as to what was going to happen today.

“Can someone please tell me what’s going to happen today and why everyone keeps asking me if I’m ready for it?” I began to get a little angry. Niall noticed, but just chuckled, causing me to loosen my temper and laugh, too.

“You’ll see later babe.” He told me, chuckling, then pulled me in for a hug. Just as he did that Paul came up the stairs telling us that One Direction was needed in a moment. “We got to go now, but the girls will make sure you’re where you need to be and when.” He kissed my forehead as he got up. Then the boys were out of the room, including Ed.

“So,” Blakely began, “are you ready for today?” She knew what she was doing. I just ignored her and looked down at my phone. She knew I was angry at her, but continued talking after laughing. “Don’t you read twitter?” I shook my head no, then sat up straight.

“Why? What was on twitter?” I asked her, but she ignored me and stood up.

“Let’s just go to where we have to be.” Layla said, then everyone got up and left the room. I really wish someone would tell me what’s going on. “Come on Skye!” She yelled back, as I got up off the couch.

When we exited the building, I followed the girls to the front of field, where the parade was being held. I saw a green lawn chair sitting in the center of everyone else, then a few other chairs around it, for the girls. “Sit here,” Amelia told me, then sat me down in the green chair.

“Wh-what-s go--” I tried to ask, but was interrupted by soldiers playing the bagpipes. I actually really like the sound of bagpipes. I listened to the music, then the announcer talked into the microphone.

“We have a special guest here today, actually we have 5.” As soon as he finished that, every girl began to scream. “Please welcome One Direction!” The cheering grew louder and louder until Liam began to speak.

“Thank you all for having us today and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” He yelled, then gave the microphone to Niall. 

“Hi guys, we’re going to do something a little different today.” He paused then looked at me. I couldn’t help but smile, and he returned the action. “This one’s for you Skylar.” He picked up his guitar and winked at me. I turned to look at the girls and they were all cheering and smiling. He began to sing a song, but nobody knew the song, except me. He was singing my song. Niall Horan was serenading me with my own song, wow. 

“When you look at me

In your eyes I see,

The heart to my key

They’re that color of blue

That I love looking into

They are like glue

It’s a beautiful hue

Oh your eyes”

He was looking at me the entire time, and I just kept smiling. I couldn’t help it, he was just so sweet, and for him to take time out of his day and learn one of MY songs, and then serenade me with it. On St. Patrick’s Day too, at the parade, with hundreds of people watching. I continued to listen to him singing. 

“Your eyes

They’re as bright as the sun

I feel like I’ve won

A prize

When your eyes lock mine

Oh oh they shine

Its an amazing sight

Like when you kiss me goodnight

Oh your eyes”

He finished the song by blowing me a kiss, then allowing the crowd to cheer. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, but it was a happy tear. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. The cheering quieted down as Niall began to speak again. “Skylar, I just want you to know that I really love you, and I love that song that you wrote,” he paused, wiping a tear from his face, “I’d like to ask you to be my girlfriend, would you?” He asked me. The crowd all cheered, then turned to face me. I felt my cheeks flush red, and another tear fall. I forgot to respond after a moment, so he asked again, “Skylar? Would you go out with me?”

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