59- Love Hurts

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I ran inside the house and saw Layla with a razor in her hand and blood on her wrists. “Layla what the hell do you think you are doing?” I yelled at her, running over by her. 

“Harry’s back with Amelia.” She cried. I grabbed her hand and stood her up, grabbing a wet paper towel to clean up the mess on her wrists. 

“And you think that’s a reason to cut yourself?” I asked her.

“I want Harry. I love him.” She cried out, then tried to cut herself again, but I managed to put my arm in front of the razor, which ended up cutting my arm pretty deep.

“Ouch!” I yelled out, which caused Niall to run in the room with Louis.

“Skylar! What happened? Are you alright?” Niall yelled to me, then stopped when he saw Layla’s wrists. “Louis call the ambulance.” He told him, then Louis ran out of the room.

“Skylar, I’m sorry--” Layla tried to tell me, but I quieted her, which caused her to cry silent tears. 

“Please stop crying Layla. I want to talk to you.” I told her, then began to wipe her tears away. “Louis’ calling an ambulance to get us bandaged up, then we are going to have a talk, okay?” She nodded, then winced at the pain I caused her by putting pressure to her cuts. 

“Thanks Skylar.” She looked up at me and smiled, it was weak, but it was worth seeing her smile again. I smiled back at her, then Niall flung the door open, allowing the paramedics to help us out. “I’m fine.” She sassed the paramedic as he tried to carry her out to the ambulance.

“Niall, I’ll call you when we’re okay to leave.” I yelled back into the house as we left in the ambulance.


“Okay babe! Feel better!” I yelled out to Skylar as she left. “You too Layla!” 

“Louis why didn’t you tell us what happened?” I asked him.

“I didn’t want to scare any of you.” He said, looking away.

“Since you didn’t tell us, my girlfriend got hurt in the process of trying to make your ex girlfriend okay again. Great.” I told him, then walked out to the back patio, where I saw Harry and Amelia.

“Hey Niall, what happened in there?” Harry asked me, leaving Amelia sitting and what looked like crying, to come and talk to me.

“What happened out here, Amelia are you okay?” I asked her, but she nodded to me and Harry demanded an answer. “Layla cut her wrist a few times because you got back together with Amelia. Then, while trying to stop Layla, Skylar was cut, accidentally. They’re both in an ambulance to the hospital to get bandaged up properly.” I explained to the new couple.

“Oh my gosh, Layla cut herself. Because of me getting back together with Mel?” Harry couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he had to sit down and began to run his fingers through his hair out of stress. 

“Yeah, now I want to know why Amelia is crying.” I demanded him this time.

“Oh, remember that Wesley kid she was talking to?” He asked me and I nodded. “Well he was apparently going to ask Amelia out, but just before he attempted it, his girlfriend sent him a text saying she loved him.” Harry explained the situation to me and I walked over to Amelia.

“Mel, I’m so sorry about that douche bag. Don’t worry though, Harry’s got you in good hands here.” I reassured her, and she stood up, hugged me, and thanked me. “Everybody’s in all sorts of stress.” I continued the subject, then remembered Simon’s email. “Haz, did you get Simon’s email?”

“The benefit concert one? Yeah. We need to get to rehearsals early tomorrow to work on everything.” Harry said, then stood up and sat over by Amelia, who had stopped crying.

“What songs are you guys singing?” Amelia asked us. 

“Simon wants Skylar to sing the suicide prevention song, Little Things, Moments, and I think Skylar’s got a few more songs that would work here.” I explained to her.

“Oh, okay. Thanks. What time are you guys leaving tomorrow morning?” She asked me.

“I think around 7, but we won’t get there until 10 because its pretty far.” Harry told her. “We can cuddle on the bus, kay?” He looked down at her and smiled, causing her to do the same.

“I’m going to head over to the hospital and see how the girls are doing. Louis and I will be back in a few hours. No baby-making, got it?” I joked with them, then when they both laughed and nodded, I left with Louis.

I drove to the hospital, while Louis sat in the passenger seat. I tried to make conversation with him, but it was kind of awkward because I snapped at him before. “Lou, look. I’m really sorry for snapping at you before. I was scared for the girls.” I explained to him.

“You were scared? My ex-girlfriend, who I’m still madly in love with just tried to kill herself.” Louis blurted out, and began to cry. I tried to calm him down because we pulled into the hospital parking lot.

“I know, I know. But Skylar said she was going to talk to Layla and try and get her to cheer up.” I told him, hopefully cheering him up a bit. He kept looking down, so I got out of the car and went over to his side to take him out. “C’mon Lou! Let’s go see the girls! I’m sure they’re laughing and smiling.” Still no response.

I dragged Louis into the hospital and then up to the girls’ room. “Knock, knock, knock!” I yelled through the door.

“Nialler!” I heard Skylar say, in a quieter voice than mine. “Come on in!” She allowed us in, then I shut the door after myself, Louis still looking down. “Louis! You came too!” She leaned up in her bed, and allowed us to give her a big hug. 

“Where’s Layla?” Louis asked her, finally speaking after all this time.

“She’s in questioning.” Skylar told us. “The doctors wanted to make sure she was alright to go home tomorrow. Lou, she’s going to be so happy you came!” She cheered.

“W-what? Really? I thought she didn’t like me.” Louis asked her.

“She’s not in love with you like she is with Harry. But she still does love you Louis. I know it sounds crazy, but she said what she did was a terrible mistake and she should’ve never left you.” Skylar told Louis the good news and his eyes widened, as did his smile. 

We heard the doctor walking down the hallway with Layla, so I thought of a good idea. “Louis, lay down in her bed with the covers on! She’ll have to go over and see who it is, and she’ll be so happy when it’s you.” I told him, and he jumped right into her bed and flung the covers over his head. “Hurry, she--” I was cut off by Layla and the doctor walking through the door.

“Niall!” Layla ran up and hugged me.

“Layla! How are you doing?” I asked her, then looked at her bandaged arm, then remembered Skylar’s arm. “Skylar! I didn’t even ask how you were doing! How could I be so awful.” I walked over to my girlfriend and held her arm. Layla had a bandage around her wrists, covering up the cuts. Skylar, on the other hand, had a bandage up her arm and she said she’s not to use it as stressful for the next few weeks as the cut was deep.

“I’m doing fine now Niall, thanks for coming.” Layla was looking around to see if someone else had come to visit. “I’m going to go lay down and take a nap, those questions were exhausting.” She told us, then walked over to her bed. She noticed something wasn’t right, then ripped the covers off to reveal Louis. “Louis!!” She yelled in excitement, and he jumped up to hug her tight.

“Layla. I’ve missed you so much. I know it’s only been a day or two since we’ve broken up but--” Louis was interrupted by Layla’s lips mounted on his. They stayed like that for a moment or two, and as I was watching them get back together, I walked over to Skylar and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.

“I love you babe.” I told her, and she smiled and kissed me. When I turned around, the doctor was ready to speak to the four of us.

“It’s bad news guys.” The doctor spoke the horrifying words.

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