11- Everything Went Black

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No one responded, so I repeated myself, “What’s going on?!” My question was interrupted by more screaming. “GUYS!” I yelled it now. Finally, Layla turned around noticing me.

“Oh, hey Skye. Didn’t see you there.” She smirked. She obviously saw me there, I was yelling at her to answer my question.

“I’ve been standing here for about two minutes, and no one’s answered my question yet.” I said, angry and still not getting a reply. That’s when Amelia turned around, with the biggest smile plastered on her face. “What? Why are smiling like that at me?”

“It’s not about you,” she pointed at the laptop, “here, look for yourself.” I walked over to the laptop on the kitchen table and read the article:

Haylor No More: Harry Styles breaks up with Country singer Taylor Swift. ‘I found someone and I think she’s a keeper.’ The pop star says after being seen with another girl.

“Wow! You lucky girl!” I said, finishing the article. 

“Yeah.. Lucky you.” Layla said, her sentence fading with every word. I could tell she wish it was her Harry was talking about, not Mel. Please don’t be jealous.

“She really is, but you are too! You’ve got Louis! He’s something special, ain’t he?” I said, trying to cheer Layla up. I think it’s working because she laughed. “So I’m guessing that’s why y’all were screaming?”

“Yeah, sorry about waking you up. But you’ve been sleeping a lot, so it’s good that you’re up.” Blakely told me, smiling.

“Yeah, I guess it’s just from my headaches. They make me sleepy. What time is it?” I asked, but no one answered because they were too busy fangirling over the article. I’m really happy for her, but- It’s 12PM?! “Why did you guys let me sleep so late? I have to call my mom, I was supposed to go to lunch with her and the family for my Grandma’s birthday.”

“Sorry!” Amelia responded, but I know she didn’t really care all that much. She’s probably still fangirling over what happened with Haylor. 

“I called my mom, and she’s on her way.” I said, not expecting anyone to react.

“But why?! We were just about to make Monkey Bread!” Layla cried.

“Ugh, why must you make Monkey Bread when I leave?” I loooove Monkey Bread. Right as I picked up my bag, I heard my mom honk the horn. “I’ll text you guys later!” They all yelled by as I walked out the door. “Morning Mom!” I said, kissing her on the cheek.

“How’d you do in the tournament yesterday? I heard One Direction gave out the medals.” I had almost forgotten about that.

“Oh yeah. I got 5th place!” I smiled, answering her.

“That's great honey! How was the sleepover?” She asked, she’s so cute.

“I fell asleep at like 3, but that’s because that’s when everyone left.” I said, not realizing she doesn’t’ know about the whole Red Mango thing with One Direction.

“Oh, who else was there?” She asked, I froze in my spot. I tried to pretend I didn’t hear her, but she knew I did. “Skylar Elizabeth Grey.” She only said my full name when she was truly mad.

“Oh, just some friends we met at the tourney.” I said, hoping she wouldn’t ask anything else.

“Oh, what are their names?” She asked, so I told her.

“Well, there was Niall, Zayn, Har--” I was interrupted by her.

“Aren’t those One Direction’s names?” She asked, confused.

“Yes they are, they’re our new friends.” I said, smiling. I felt my phone vibrate and looked down at it. Niall texted me.

Good morning Skye, how r u feeling ?” It read it, and my mom noticed me smiling.

“Which one are you into?” She asked, it had just begun to downpour.

“The blonde, Irish one.” I said, smiling. Then I replied to the text message, “I’m alright, just told my mom about yesterday…

Oh did u tell her abt me?” He abbreviates so much; it’s hard to tell what he’s saying sometimes.

I did, kinda.. How are the guys?

Pretty good, theyve ben tlking abt the girls nonstop

Mel was so happy this morning when she found out about ’Haylor’

I knew that relatnship was a load of crap

Me too.. I didn’t believe it at all, I gotta text you later, I’m going out to lunch with my family.

c u later skye .xx” Just as I was about to press send, everything went black.

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