84- Make a Wish

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Three Months Later

“mall then movie night? Ill pick you up at 3” Layla sent a text in the group chat between her, Amelia, and I. It was 1:45 now.

“cant wait to see the babies!” I replied.

“should we bring anything?” Amelia asked.

“just yourselves, and Ellie! I want to see her.” Layla replied, which ended the conversation. 

We all haven’t seen each other in about two and a half months. Since then, Niall, Harry, Louis, and the 5SoS boys were called back to London for four months. Simon had major topics to discuss with all of them. Since the last time we’ve seen each other, which was Amelia’s baby shower, all three babies were born. Layla had her twins on November 9, and Amelia had her daughter on November 22. It’s December 3 right now, so they’re still newborns. 

I showered, and got dressed. “Mom, can I go to the mall then sleepover Layla’s tonight with Amelia?” 

“Yes, just make sure you’re back here tomorrow by 11.” I thanked her, then went upstairs to pack my bag. I threw an outfit for tomorrow in, a change of intimates, personal hygiene products, my phone charger, and my blanket in a duffle bag, then grabbed a pillow. I put them all downstairs by the front door, then put on sneakers, put a beanie over my messy hair, and put a jacket on. 

“Bye mom! Bye Haze, bye Cy.” I passed them in the living room as I stepped outside with my belongings. Layla pulled up with Amelia and her newborn, just as I got to the top of my driveway.

“It’s so good to see you guys again. It’s been too long.” Layla ran outside, hugging me, then helping with my bags. 

“Hey Mel!” I chirped as I sat in the front seat. I leaned back “Oh my gosh Mel, she’s adorable!” Layla drove us back to her place so we could put our bags away and Layla’s family offered to watch the babies so we could go shopping.

After we got settled in with all of the baby bags, on top of bags of our own for the next few nights, we all got introduced to Layla’s kids. She walked upstairs to where they shared a room. Their bedroom was pink and blue with a crib on each side. 

“This is Dakota’s side, and that’s Damien’s.” She said, pointing to the respective sides of the baby room. 

“They look like mini-me’s of you guys. It’s adorable.” Amelia mentioned, holding her daughter, who was now sleeping.

“So does Ellie!” Layla chirped back. “Alright, mall time!” Amelia sat in the back seat, while I sat upfront with Layla as we drove to the mall. We were there within twenty minutes. The car ride consisted of blasting Layla’s One Direction CD and us singing along. 

“Okay, Babies-R-Us up first.” I said, then followed my friends through the door to the store. On one side was baby boy clothing, and opposite was girl’s. Amelia went to the right towards the girls, while Layla and I went to the left. Layla switched about half way through to look at the girl clothing. 

“Let’s see what everyone picked out!” Layla chirped, and seemed the most excited about all of this. She held up a little pink dress with flowers on it, and a blue t shirt with a puppy on it with dark denim jeans to go with.

“That’s adorable Lay!” I told her, then held up what I got. It was a long sleeved shirt with the Irish flag embroidered on it and black cargo shorts.

“Of course it’s got the Irish flag on it.” Amelia joked, then held up her clothing for Ellie. It was a purple sweater that had butterflies going up the stomach. She also had light jeans that matched with butterflies on them as well.

“Absolutely adorable!” Layla smiled, and we paid for our items. “Let’s head back now, it’s movie time!” We all hopped into the car after grabbing our bags from the cashier.

“Alright, so who’s ready for a movie?” Amelia asked as we got back to Layla’s house.

“What’re our options?” I asked, plopping myself carefully on the couch. “You know, it’s really hard to get comfortable carrying this around.” I put my hands on my stomach and made a funny gesture, causing my friends to laugh. 

“Let’s see, the Conjuring, the Breakfast Club, and Love Actually.” Layla picked up three DVD’s and threw them on the couch next to Amelia and I.

“Let’s watch the Breakfast Club, that’s a great movie.” Amelia stated, and I nodded my head in agreement. Layla put the movie on and it was just like old times. Watching a movie with my two best friends on a Saturday night in Layla‘s basement.

After the movie was over, I checked the time and it was 11PM. “I’m going to call Niall, he left me a message during the movie.” I told my friends, then stepped outside on the kitchen balcony. “Ni?” 

“Skylar! It’s so great to hear from you. How’s everyone doing?” Niall seemed different, but he’s probably tired. 

“I’ve missed hearing your voice everyday, Ni. Everyone’s great. Layla and Amelia’s kids are adorable and I can’t wait until our little boy is out. How’d the meeting with Simon go?” 

“Surprisingly well. He just wanted to check up on everything that was going on with the babies and the weddings and all. Also, he gave the 5SoS boys a tour of their own! They’re all ecstatic about it.” Niall informed me.

“That’s amazing, they totally deserve it.” 

“Hey babe, look at the time.” I could tell he was smiling, then I checked my phone and it was 11:10. “One more minute, let’s make wishes together.”

“You know my wishes never came true, why should I bother?” I came off a little more harsh than I wanted.

“Maybe it’ll be different this time. Maybe I’ll be your good luck charm.” He was definitely smiling this time, as was I. I closed my eyes and made a wish. “So what’d you wish for?” 

“Well if I tell you, it won’t come true, right?” I responded.

“How about we say it on three? I’ll say mine, you say yours. Deal?”

“Deal. Three, two, one.” I counted down.

“To be able to see you soon.” We both said in unison. In that moment, I knew Niall was perfect. We were almost the same person. We were meant for each other. 

“I love you.” I told my boyfriend, tears began falling from my eyes. 

“I love you more Skylar.” Niall said to me. Just as he said that, I felt a horrible pain in my stomach, which resulted in a painful grunt. “Skylar, are you okay?” 

“I-I don’t know. I’ll call you, ouch, back later.” I hung up the phone and ran inside to my friends. “Hey guys, can you take me to the hospital?”

“Skylar, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Amelia immediately ran up to me.

“My stomach doesn’t feel right. Can you take me?” I asked my friend.

“C’mon, let’s get you to the hospital. I already asked my mom to watch the babies.” Layla came into the room and helped me out into the passenger seat of the car.

Within ten minutes we were at the Emergency center at the nearest hospital. Layla explained to the nurse what was wrong and that I was pregnant. The last thing I remembered was the doctor yelling “Push!” 

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