64- It's a Short Sentence, Per Say

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The Principal came back into the room and we all immediately put our phones away. “Well girls, Blakely will be sent to Jail for attempted murder and assaulting a policeman.” He informed us. “I advise you three to go home for the day. You will have excused absences for the last three classes.” 

“Thank you sir.” We all said in unison, then our moms all walked in the door. “Hi mom.” We all said in unison, again.

“I’ll see you ladies tomorrow. Have a good night.” The Principal told us as we walked out the door. We all got into separate cars and headed home. My mom didn’t ask what had happened because she knew I wouldn’t tell her everything.

“Would you like to go get lunch Skye?” She asked me.

“Yeah, sure.” I told her, looking out the window. “Where?”

“Where would you like?” She asked me.

“Can we go to Arby’s?” I asked her, hopeful. She nodded, and we were off to Arby’s. The rest of the ride was pretty silent, except for when I turned the radio on.

“Hello New Jersey, I have One Direction here with me and they will be answering some Twitter Questions and singing a new song. Stay tuned.” I heard the radio host say, then a song began to play. After the song finished, the host came back with the guys. “Alright, so who can tell me about this song?”

“Niall, would you like to talk about it? After all, your girlfriend wrote it.” Harry asked him. After he said that, my mom looked at me strange. 

“You wrote the song they’re going to perform?” She asked me and I shushed her after nodding. 

“Thanks mate. Yes, my girlfriend, Skylar, wrote this song for her good friend, and Louis’ girlfriend, Layla. It’s for anyone going through a hard time and needs someone to be there for them. Enjoy.” I heard my favorite Irish accent talk, then I heard strums of a guitar. They began playing the song, but I turned it down. 

“Now why would you do that?” My mom asked me, turning the radio back up. I ignored her question, and just listened to the song. They changed it up a bit, to make it their own, which I really liked. After they sang the song, they answered some questions, which is when I turned the radio off. I texted Niall to give him the information on what had happened with Blakely.

hey babe, just letting you know… blakes in jail for attempted murder and assaulting a policeman. Call me when you can xoxo

As I pressed send, we pulled into the Arby’s parking lot. My mom and I got out and walked into the restaurant. “Well it’s a small world after all, isn’t it?” I heard a familiar accent say. I looked up and saw nonetheless, One Direction sitting in Arby’s.

“Hey guys! How was News 12?” I asked them, then turned to my mom to give her my order so she could get the food while I talked to the guys.

“It was great! Awesome feedback from your song Skye!” Louis told me, then Niall’s phone went off. He looked down at it, then up at me and shook his phone, which was his way of asking me to explain.” 

“What’s wrong Ni?” Harry asked him, noticing.

“Well, at school today, Blakely was arrested.” Zayn’s eyes shot up at mine. “She was charged for attempted murder and for assaulting a policeman. She brought a gun to school threatening to shoot people, but when my English teacher tried to stop her, Blakely tried to shoot her.” I explained everything to the guys, then my mom came back with our food. Niall stood up to help pull a table by them so we could continue talking. 

My mom began eating, as did I, but I was interrupted every few minutes to answer questions. “So why did she threaten to shoot up the school?” Zayn asked me.

“Her and Layla got into a big fight last night, and they’re no longer friends. I guess that was her way of getting back.” I tried to explain.

“How long is her sentence? For jail?” Liam then asked.

“I’m not sure yet, I’ll probably know tomorrow though, and I’ll tell Niall as soon as I do.” I told him.

“Why are you out of school? And are the girls okay?” Louis asked me.

“If by girls you mean Layla and Amelia, then yes, they are okay. We were sent home by the Principal, I guess he just didn’t want us to be questioned at school. I don’t mind though.” I joked, trying to lighten up the mood. 

“So I guess there’s no prom, no graduation, all of that for her, huh?” Harry asked, curious.

“I guess not, I think she’s going to be in there for at least 30 days, probably longer.” I explained, then took a big bite of my sandwich. 

“Are you guys doing anything for the Prom? Like performing or anything?” My mom asked the band.

“No ma’am. We asked to take off for the summer.” Louis explained to her with a smile. “So we can spend more time with our families, girlfriends, girlfriends’ families, so on.” 

“That’s good for you guys. You’ve been working hard for a few years now. It’s good to take a break. I hope you very much enjoy it.” My mom smiled, then took a sip of her drink. The guys thanked her, then Harry checked the time.

“We’ve got to get going now, it was a pleasure seeing you Mrs. Grey.” Harry stood up with the garbage and threw it out.

“I’ll call you later babe.” Niall gave me a kiss on the forehead, and then the band left after waving goodbye. My mom and I finished our lunch, then headed home. I took a nice, hot shower.

“Skye, did you finish your homework?” My mom yelled up to me.

“Yes mom.” I yelled back, getting out my straightener. I might as well look good on my birthday, aye? I brought my laptop over by my mirror so I could go on Tumblr and listen to music while I did my hair. The first song to come on shuffle was Summer Love. Of course.

After I did my hair, I crawled into bed, turned my laptop off, and drifted off to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I checked my phone and saw that I had a missed call from Niall and Amelia.

hey, sorry fell asleep early yesterday.. whats up?” I texted Amelia in the group chat with Layla. 

ill tell you in architecture.. don’t wanna say it over text.” Amelia responded, but I’m guessing Layla already knew. I got ready for school, pulled on Niall’s sweater, again, and braided my bangs back. I kissed my family goodbye and headed out the door for the bus.

As I walked to my stop, Catherine was waiting outside with Mason and Nelson for their bus. “Happy Birthday Skylar!” I heard them all yell as I walked by. 

“Thanks guys!” I yelled back, as my bus pulled up. Mason ran out from his mother’s arms and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Mase, I’ll see you later!” He waved by and I walked onto the bus.

The bus ride was alright, a few “Happy Birthday’s” here and there. French went by real quick since we only watched a movie. Next was architecture class. I’ll find out the big news from Amelia, and I’ll get to see Greyson. I caught Greyson walking in front of me and I tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around and gave me a big hug and told me “Happy Birthday!” 

“Thanks Grey! Where’s Mel?” I asked him, as we sat in our seats, waiting for the bell to ring to begin working. Just as he was about to answer, Amelia walked in the room.

“It’s about time, Skye’s been getting anxious.” Greyson joked with her, but Amelia didn’t chuckle back. 

“Well, what’s the news?” I anxiously asked her. I thought it was going to be a birthday surprise or something with the band; it was a surprise alright.

“Blakely’s got a death sentence.” Amelia blurted out, tears in her eyes.

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