36- Breakfast and an Interview

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After I told my mom Niall’s idea, she agreed to let me go. I kissed my family goodnight and went off to bed.

The Morning

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm clock. I got up and checked the time, 5:32 A.M. Awesome. I did my normal morning routine; go to the bathroom, listen to music, get dressed, brush my teeth, then wait downstairs by my mom. I normally don’t eat breakfast because it doesn’t sit right in my stomach during school, plus I think the boys are taking us out to eat. 

I checked the time again, 5:58 A.M. I walked downstairs and kissed my mom goodbye and waited out on the front porch. The bus was here within a minute and pulled into the driveway. “Good morning babe!” I heard as the doors opened. I saw the gorgeous Irishman as soon as they did.

“Good morning!” I yelled back as he pulled me into a hug, then walked me back onto the bus. Everyone responded, and I sat down on one of the couches with Niall.

“Alright boys,” Paul began to say, then noticed I was on the bus, “Hello Skylar!” I waved back and smiled as he continued, “You have an interview with News 12 NJ right after breakfast, so no dilly dallying!” He smiled then walked back into the passenger’s seat.

“What are we going to do while you guys are at the interview?” Amelia asked.

“You’ll see!” Harry told her. Not another surprise! She smiled at him, then buried her face in his chest as they lay on the couch.

“So where are we going for breakfast?” Blakely asked.

“Just the local pancake house.” Zayn told her, just as we pulled up. “Here we are!” They seemed so stunned by the diner, yet the girls and I have been there multiple times together.

“Do you guys ever get to go to just a local diner?” I asked them as we were being seated. I saw a few people with phones, recording or taking pictures of us as we walked by. 

“Not usually, but that’s alright.” Liam answered my question. We all got a big, long table to sit at together. Liam at the end, while Zayn and Blakely sat next to him. Louis and Layla were across from them, and Niall and I were across from Harry and Amelia. Perfect. 

After we all ate and talked, we headed off to the News 12 NJ studio where the boys had their interview. It was a smaller studio, but still very nice. Security surrounded the outside, but let us all in when they saw that One Direction was there. I wasn’t expecting to have to leave the bus, so the girls and I stayed sitting while the boys stood up.

“Babe, why aren’t you getting up?” Zayn asked Blakely, which caught my attention.

“We’re coming with you?” she asked him, confused. He nodded then held her hand, helping her up. Niall came over to me and helped me up as well. The other boys did the same to their girls and we all walked off the bus, hand in hand with our man.

“Welcome to New Jersey One Direction!” The news anchor said as the boys sat down in a big couch. They were going on air in about ten minutes, so the hair and makeup women came over to work on them. Then Paul came over to us girls and motioned for the hair and makeup women to work on us as well.

“Why are we getting worked on?” Layla asked. Then Paul explained how we were going to be interviewed as well. Awesome. “Oh, alright.” she responded then sat quietly in her chair.

“D-do we have to?” Amelia asked, nervously. Paul nodded his head and she sighed.

“Why don’t you want to be interviewed Mel?” Blakely asked me.

“I wouldn’t know what to say, and what if I say the wrong thing?” she told her, looking into her brown eyes. “What if Harry doesn’t like my answer? Or one of you guys? Or one of the other band members?” she continued talking nervously, but I finally shut her up.

“Don’t worry Mel, you’ll do just fine. Just don’t worry what anyone says about you. That’s how I get by!” I told her, then she chuckled nervously. I tried to laugh off the awkwardness after that, but Paul came back in saying that the boys were going on air now. We all stood by the doorway to the stage and watched.

I watched Niall the entire time, and I’m pretty sure I was smiling like an idiot whenever he mentioned my name. I love the way my name just rolls with his accent. I was looking at him, deeply, when he looked back over at me and motioned for me to come on stage. I hadn’t realized what he done until Blakely and Layla pushed me on stage.

“Here she is!” Niall stood up and gave me a big hug. My stage fright went away for a moment while we hugged. The warmth of his love was so stress relieving. After we broke the hug, I waved to the audience then to the news anchor.

“Why don’t we get all of the girls up here?” she asked, then as I looked over to where I was once standing, I waved to the girls as they walked up. Their boyfriends standing and hugging them as they stood next to them.

“Okay, now that everyone’s here, why don’t we introduce everyone?” she asked, looking right at Blakely.

“Hi, I’m Blakely.” she said in a preppy voice.

“I’m Layla.” she said, waving to the crowd.

“My name’s Amelia.” she said, also waving to the crowd. 

“My name’s Skylar.” I managed to get out, and smiled once I did.

“Alright, well you are all such beautiful women and these boys are very lucky to have you.” she told us, and I began blushing. 

The way the stage was set up was that the anchor, Natalie Richards, was behind a small desk with all of her interview cards placed upon it. Then, across the stage, there were two big couches with three chairs off to the side. Niall, Layla, Louis, Amelia, Harry and I sat on the couches. Blakely, Zayn, and Liam sat on the chairs, with Liam the farthest left. Each girl sat next to her boyfriend, holding hands or with his arm around her. Niall had his arm around me as I clenched my shamrock necklace.

“So lets begin with how you all met.” She told the group, and Liam answered.

“We were asked to present the medals at the Northern Jersey Freshman and Sophomore Fencing Tournament.” He explained, then paused, letting someone else take over.

“Each boy was to hand out a medal for each place. I got fifth place, Liam got fourth, Louis got third, Harry got second, and Niall got first place.” Zayn explained, handing it off to Niall.

“That’s how I met Skylar.” he paused, looking down and smiling at me. “She had won first place for her weapon, and I was honored to give her the gold.” He gave me a peck on the forehead as Harry continued the conversation. 

“Then, Niall gave Skylar his number and on the way home from the tournament, we all got to FaceTime.” he looked down at Amelia and smiled. 

“That’s how we met these amazing girls.” Louis looked down the line of our friends, “then we went to a frozen yogurt place and lived happily ever after.” Louis explained with a giggle at the end. I felt a tear begin to fall down my face and looked over at Layla. She knew why I was crying.

She mouthed over to me, “Do you need to stop?

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