62- I've Found My Princess

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“Wow. That was such an amazing song. Who agrees?” Harry yelled into the microphone and the audience cheered very loud.

“I’ll say. That was definitely one of the best songs I’ve heard by her.” Louis told the crowd. “Alright, who wants to hear Little Things?” The we all sang the song, then a little after my solo, the laptop screen turned back on and I saw my beautiful girlfriend’s face along with Layla’s beautiful face. They waited until the song was finished to begin talking.

“Hey guys! Nice of you to come back, aye?” Liam joked with the girls.

“Sorry about before, I was a wreck,” Layla admitted to the crowd. “How’d the rest of the concert go?”

“It went very well! The crowd absolutely adored Skylar’s song!” Louis told her. “As did I, great job Skye.” 

“Thanks Louis, but Layla has something to tell you, don’t you Lay?” She told him, then turned and nudged Layla.

“Yeah. Louis, I know I haven’t been treating you very nicely lately, and I’m truly sorry for that. I’ll just come right out and say it. I thought I needed Harry in order to be happy, but you proved me wrong. You truly know how to make a girl feel loved and happy, and I’m thankful for that. So will you forgive me Louis? Please?” She admitted to the whole world.

“Of course I will Layla! I love you!” Louis cheered, which brought a massive smile to my face.

“I love you too Louis!” Layla yelled into the screen.

“So does this mean you two are together again?” Zayn asked them.

“It definitely does.” Layla told him, which caused the crowd to cheer.

“Let’s hear it for the new couple!” Liam yelled into the microphone. “Alright, twitter question time!” The screen split in half of the girls and the questions.

“First up @larryismyotp wants to know what’s your favorite thing about your girlfriend?” Harry read out the question, then answered it. “My favorite thing about Amelia is her dimples.” He smiled as he answered the question.

“My favorite thing about Danielle is her curly hair.” Liam mentioned.

“My favorite thing about Blakely is her intelligence.” Zayn said.

“Her vibrant personality is my favorite thing about Layla.” Louis told everyone.

“And the best for last,” I joked, “my favorite thing about Skylar is how much we’re alike, and that she’s my princess.” I let out my thoughts on my girlfriend and the crowd cheered yet again.

“Princess?” Harry asked me. 

“Yep!” I said to Harry, then turned to the screen which showed my girlfriend. “Babe, I’ve found my princess.”

“Really? I’m your princess?” Skylar asked me through the screen.


I cannot believe Niall just said I was his princess. The princess he’s been waiting for all his life. The girl of his dreams, and it’s me. One problem though, I hate the nickname princess… I know it’s weird, but I just don’t like it. Will this cause a problem? 

“Skye?” Niall asked me, but I couldn’t hear him. “Skye, are you alright?” He looked worried, but I still couldn’t hear what he was saying, so I turned to Layla.

“Skylar what’s going on?” I had to read her lips, but only caught a few words. “Skylar!” 

“Hello? What is happening?” I tried to say, but I couldn’t hear myself. My hearing was going as was my sight. “I can’t see anything!” And then it went black.


“Skylar how are you feeling this morning?” I heard the doctor asking me as I plopped myself upon the table. My mom sat down in the visitor’s chairs with my younger siblings.

“Much better, Dr. Malcolm. Thanks.” I told him.

“That’s great to hear. Let’s go over what has happened, shall we?” He took out his clipboard. “You suffered a stroke from the infection. You have made a full recovery, lucky you.” As he told me that, I kissed my shamrock necklace that Niall gave me when he asked me out. “Your arm is much better now, although you have a scar.”

I looked down at my arm and looked at the big scar. “So I’ve fully recovered from everything? I don’t need to keep coming here now?” I asked the doctor.

“You are finished with your doctor’s visits Skylar. You are free to go back to school and see all your friends. I’m sure Niall wants to see you as well.” My doctor told me, then released me from the office.

“So I go back to school tomorrow, huh?” I asked my mom, picking up my younger brother. 

“Yes ma’am. You’ve missed three months, and you’ve only got a week or so left.” My mom told me, as we strapped the twins in their car seats, then celebrated my recovery at Red Mango. 

“Can I have my phone so I can call the girls?” I asked my mom.

“Not yet, you have to go home and pack your backpack first.” My mom told me. After we got our Red Mango, we drove home and brought my siblings inside. When I opened the door, I saw all of my friends standing in my living room.

“Surprise!” They all yelled in unison. I looked around and saw the band, Blakely, Amelia, Layla, Greyson, Isabel, and Riley.

“Guys! This is amazing!” I put my little brother down and hugged everyone in the room. 

“Congrats babe! You’re all better!” Niall gave me a kiss.

“Good job Skye!” Isabel and Riley told me and I thanked them.

“Congratulations Skylar!” Greyson told me and I hugged him.

“Thanks guys! I really appreciate it.” I told the group and then my dad came out of the kitchen with a cake.

“Congrats Skye, I love you!” My dad gave me a hug and a kiss. “Everyone eat up!” Everyone grabbed a slice of cake, laughed about whatever, and talked about all the good times. After about two hours, everyone had to leave because I had to get ready for my first day back.

“Sorry guys, but it’s time to go. Thanks for coming though!” My mom told the group, then hugged everyone who walked out the door. Niall stopped by me to talk.

“Babe, I’m so glad you’re all better. I couldn’t stand not being able to see you and talk to you as much because of therapy and the tour. But we’re able to be together now because the tour ended Friday night. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll call you first thing in the morning. Love you babe.” He gave me a firm hug, and a kiss on the lips. I’ve been awaiting this moment for three months, and it has never felt so good. 

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