31- Niall vs. Mason

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We all jerked our heads to the front window and saw three little boys and a woman yelling and banging on the window. “I know them!” I yelled, then got up and ran to the door. The woman, my neighbor Catherine, and her three kids. “Hey Catherine, what’s going on?” I nervously asked as the kids were still crying.

“Hey Skye, they’re crying because of who’s inside with you.” she pointed at the boys. “I didn’t know you were close with One Direction?” She asked me. Oh yeah, I haven’t seen them since before the tourney. 

“Oh, yeah. I met them at my fencing tournament a few weeks ago.” I told her, then picked up Mason, my 5 year old neighbor, and told him to calm down. “Hey Mase!” I tried to cheer him up.

“Hi Skylar!” He instantly perked up and hugged me. “I’ve missed you!” 

“I’m sorry I haven’t been over much lately, I made some new friends.” I turned towards the inside so he could wave to the boys.


Skylar just got up and ran out the door, so I turned to the group, “Do you girls know who they are?” I asked.

“Those are Skylar’s neighbors, she baby-sits the kids while the mom has lessons.” Lessons? I guess my facial expression was noticeable because Layla continued explaining. “She teaches singing and guitar.”

“That’s awesome! Do the kids play?” I asked. Layla wasn’t sure of the answer so I let it go. I looked out the window and saw Skylar and the youngest boy waving at me, so I motioned them to come inside. I got up and opened the door for the group. Once the woman came through, I introduced myself. “Hello, I’m Niall.”

“Catherine, and these are my boys.” She put her hand on each child’s head as she said their names. “Sullivan is 10, Nelson is 8, and Mason over there is 5.” She explained to me and the group. “Sorry about the yelling, but Nelson and Mason are big fans.“ The boys introduced themselves as I walked over to Skylar who was holding Mason to get him to stop crying.

“Hey little buddy, my name’s Niall, I‘m Skylar‘s boyfriend.” I told him and he looked up and smiled at me.

“My name’s Mason!” He chirped, smiling at me. “and Skylar’s my girlfriend!” He straightened up while saying that. I looked up at Skylar and she was laughing.

“Oh really? I believe she’s mine.” I joked with the kid, but still had some concern.

“Not Uh! Skylar’s my girlfriend!” Mason yelled at me.

“Oh, relax Niall. He’s five!” She kept laughing and now Mason was laughing along with her. 

“I just want you to know that you mean the world to me and I don’t want to share you with anyone else.” She put Mason down and hugged me, but I spazzed her instead. She yelped and I began to laugh now. Everyone was looking at us and Skylar’s face just flushed with red, causing me to chuckle. 

“Keep it PG, there are children around!” Louis yelled, laughing.

“Niall’s the one who spazzed me!” Skylar yelled, then Nelson came over to us.

“What’s spazzing Skylar?” He asked her, but instead of answering she looked at me and nodded. I picked him up and tickled him, and he had the cutest laugh ever. I could get used to going over Skylar’s with her. 

“Alright, well it was nice meeting you all, but we’ve got to get home.” Catherine said, beginning to walk out of the store. We all waved back at her and the boys as they exited the building.

I walked back to my seat and took a sip of soda, looking down the whole time. Skylar walked out with her neighbors, helping them into the car. I saw her hug Mason and give him a peck on the cheek. “Aww, is Nialler jealous?” Louis asked me, smirking.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I told him, taking a bite of my burger, and still looking down. I looked up when I saw Skylar walking back inside, though. She came back over to the tables and sat down next to me. I looked at her and just smiled, she’s amazing. She looked up at me, and I quickly turned my head, causing her to chuckle.

“So what else do you and Nialler have in common?” Zayn asked Skylar as she took a bite of her burger.

“Do you have an hour?” Layla blurted out.

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