44- Good Ole Greyson

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When I woke up late the next morning, I immediately checked my phone, just out of habit. To my surprise, I didn’t have any missed calls or texts. Hmm… “Morning Mom.” I said, as I walked downstairs, kissing my mom on the cheek.

“Morning Moon Pie.” She calls me that because of The Big Bang Theory. “What’s going on tomorrow for the fencing dinner?”

“The boys are performing something Layla and I wrote, cool, huh?” I told her, getting more excited as I told it.

“Wow, that’s awesome Skye! I’ll make sure Daddy and I make it.” She said to me, and after I nodded, I went back upstairs to get ready so I wasn’t late for school.

I grabbed a shirt and threw on some sweatpants, I didn’t feel like trying today, but what else is new? I brushed my teeth, put my headphones in, grabbed my backpack, and headed out the door. I walked out just as the bus arrived at my stop.

I walked in the school and sat over by Isabel and Riley. “Hey guys, long time no see?” I told them.

“Yeah I know, where were you yesterday?” Riley asked me. I explained everything that had happened. “Could you tell Layla that I’m sorry for her?” I nodded and the bell rang for class.

I had French first, and I was usually excited for it, but today I just didn’t feel like learning. I was really tired from last night and I woke up late this morning, so that didn’t help. When I walked into the French room, I walked to the back, where I sat.

The class was going by rather slow, so I pulled out my phone and texted Layla and the girls. 

hey, what’s up?” I asked them in a group chat.

sitting in algebra, bored…” Amelia responded.

bored out of my mind” Layla also responded, and Blakely couldn’t respond because she doesn’t have an iPhone, so she chats us with her iPod, which doesn’t have wifi at school.

cant wait for tomorrow though” I told them, and as I sent it, the bell for second block rang. I walked out of the classroom and met up with a friend of mine, Greyson.

“Hey Grey!” I told him, as we walked into Architecture class.

“Hey to you too Grey!” He said back, chuckling a bit. Greyson had sleek dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. We’ve been best friends since before pre school, and I hope to stay friends for much longer. “Where were you yesterday?” He asked me.

“Oh, I had to go to a funeral, then to the studio with the boys.” I explained to him.

“Studio with the boys?” He asked, confused. He must’ve not heard about Niall and I.

“One Direction.” I told him, but he still had a confused look on his face.

“There’s no way you know them.” He joked with me, his smile shining.

“Is too! Niall and I are dating.” I told him, laughing a bit. Greyson’s smile dropped when I said that. “What’s wrong Grey?” I asked him, concerned, since he was almost always joking around or smiling.

“Oh, nothing. Let’s get to work on our kitchens.” Just as he said that, Amelia walked in the class. “Hey Mel! Were you with Skylar yesterday?” He asked her. She just nodded, though.

Our class project was to design a kitchen of our own, on a budget. We had to pick out cabinets, countertops, backsplashes, flooring, lighting, and all. It’s going to be a lot of work, but I think I’ll do just fine. 

“Hey Mel, could you draw my door?” Greyson asked Amelia.

“Sure thing Grey.” She told him, then scooted her chair over to his desk. She began to draw, so Greyson sat between us and was playing games on his phone.

“So Amelia, does Skylar really know One Direction?” He asked her, completely oblivious.

“Yeah, I do too.” She told him, and he just stopped playing his game and stared at the two of us. “I’m dating Harry.” His jaw dropped.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” He asked us.

“We were busy, hanging out with them.” I explained to my confused friend. “We’ve spent like the whole past three weeks with them, haven’t we Mel?” She nodded and explained everything we’ve done.

“Well we met them at the tourney, then we went to Red Mango. After that, we all hung out at the hospital for a while with you, Hazel, and Cyrus--” She was interrupted by Greyson.

“Hospital? Skylar what happened? And who’s Hazel and Cyrus?” He kept blurting out all these questions.

“I was in a car accident with my mom, while she was pregnant with triplets.” I paused to let him soak in the information. “Only two babies made it through the crash, so I now have younger twin siblings, Hazel Marie and Cyrus Walker.” I explained to him.

“Oh, well I’ll have to come over later and meet them!” He told me, and I nodded. “Maybe we could hang out after school, like old times?” He asked me and Amelia.

“I’d like that, yeah.” I told him, and Amelia nodded in agreement. The bell rang for mine and Greyson’s lunch, so we walked into the cafeteria as Amelia went to the other building for class. 

“Hey Skye, save me a seat.” Greyson yelled at me, waiting on the lunch line. 

“Alright babe.” I yelled back, not even realizing what I had said. I put my books down in mine and Greyson’s chair. He noticed what I said, and left his spot in line.

“D-did you just call me babe?” He asked, more confused than ever.

“Uhh, yeah. I guess I did.” I paused, “I’m sorry, I’m just used to saying that with Niall.” I tried to apologize.

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” He smirked, then walked back on line.

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