24- My Song for Ed

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“Hey guys!” He said, going over and hugging all the guys, and the stylists. “Who do we have here?” He asked, walking over to the girls and I.

“M-my name’s Layla.” She stuttered, her face was really red. Blakely, Amelia, and Layla are massive fans of Ed Sheeran. I haven’t heard much of his music, but I’ve heard he’s amazing. The only songs I’ve heard were the two that he wrote for One Direction. He hugged Layla, then we all introduced ourselves, ending with a hug from Ed.

“What are you doing here tonight?” Amelia asked.

“I’m here for a big surprise?” Ed asked, turning to Harry. Harry smirked.

“Ed is our big surprise?” Blakely asked, not disappointed.

“One of them,” Zayn said, getting up from the couch to go kiss Blakely. They both smiled and chuckled to each other. I looked through the mirror at Ed and he was talking to Harry and Niall. Then when Ed looked back at me through the mirror, I blushed and turned away quickly. When I looked back up, Niall was smiling in my direction. He began to walk over to me.

“Hey babe, can I ask you something about the rest of the girls?” He asked me, then walked me over to another room. What’s going on? 

“Uh, yeah sure. What is it?” I replied, looking at him, then smiling.

“Do you know their favorite songs? The boys and I would like to do something special for them tonight.” Oh, for them.

“Uh, well Amelia’s is Your Song, Blakely’s is Truly, Madly, Deeply, and Layla’s is Nobody Compares.” I told him, then I looked down. He noticed and pulled me in for a hug. Just then, I saw Amelia walk over to me. “Hey Mel.”

“Hey Skye,” she said, then turned at Niall, “can I talk to her alone please?” He nodded then walked back to the group.

“What’s up?” I asked, a little confused.

“Harry wanted me to ask you what your favorite song was.” She told me.

“Definitely Summer Love.” I told her, then she laughed.

“Is it because Niall wrote it?” She mocked. I laughed, then told her no. “Whatever you say.” she smirked.

“Wait why does everyone need to know our favorite songs?” I asked her, she shrugged her shoulders. We both walked out and back into the dressing room. I sat down on the couch and Niall came over and sat next to me.

“So are you girls all ready for the surprise tonight?” Ed asked us all. We all cheered and laughed. Niall put his arm around me, his smile dropped though when I looked up at him. He just kissed my forehead and pulled me closer.

“What’s wrong Nialler?” I looked into his eyes, they were so blue. He just shrugged it off and turned back at the group.

One Direction in 2!” Paul, the bodyguard, yelled into the room. The boys all kissed their girls goodbye, followed by a hug, then walked out onto stage. All that was left was me and the girls, Ed, and the stylists.

“Could you tell us what the surprise is?” Amelia asked, sounding hopeful. He just smiled and shook his head no, causing the group to laugh. “Please?” now she sounded desperate.

“Sorry girls, I can’t say!” He chuckled. Amelia, Layla, and Blakely’s hearts are probably pounding so hard right now. 

“Are you performing tonight?” I asked him. He looked over at me, he had really pretty blue eyes.

“Uh, yeah I am. I’m going to be singing Little Things with the boys, and then I’m going to play a few songs of my own, just before the surprise.” He told us.

“Oh sweet!” Layla said, causing the group to laugh, yet again. “I love your music,” he blushed, “the way you write is just so amazing.” He chuckled, and Layla began to blush.

“And the way you play your guitar is amazing as well,” Amelia added.

“Oh well thank you, do any of you play instruments?” he asked us. Layla’s head immediately turned to face me. I was definitely blushing now. 

“Skylar does!” She yelled, smirking. Ugh, why did she have to say that? Ed turned his head so he was facing me. 

“What do you play?” he asked me.

“I dabble a bit on guitar, I’m not that good though.” I told him, I could feel my face burning, my cheeks red.

“Oh sweet! Have you written any songs?” Uh oh. He laughed at my shyness. Layla answered that for me.

“Oh yeah! She has like 10 songs!” She looked at me and smiled, “they’re not all put to music though.”

“Could I read them?” He asked me. Ed freakin’ Sheeran wants to read MY songs. 

“Uh, yeah.. Here.” I handed him my phone after I unlocked the passcode. He took about ten minutes to read them all, he began tapping his foot at a few of them. I looked up at Layla and she was silently laughing. I mouthed “I hate you” to her, but she just began laughing out loud.

“Excuse me, Ed.” Paul came back in, “You’re up in 2!” He said, then walked back out.

“Skylar, these are some really nice songs.” I blushed and he chuckled. “Would you mind if I used one of these?” Blakely practically screamed when he asked me that.

“U-uh yeah! I’d be honored!” I told him, then he hugged and thanked me. He got up, putting the guitar strap over his shoulder. Amelia yelled out “Good Luck Ed!” as he walked out.

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