76- You Eat What?

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“Skye, what do you want for lunch?” Layla called up to me from the kitchen.

“The usual, please!” I yelled back down from my room. I was getting ready for the studio session with Ed and his producers. I pulled on nice jean shorts and a matching top. I slipped on some high-tops and brushed my hair. “Ready Niall? The cab is here!” I asked as I passed him in the bathroom.

“I’ll be down in a minute, babe.” He yelled out as I ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Here you go Skye! Good luck!” Layla handed me a bag with our lunches, then gave me a hug. 

“Thanks so much Lay! Couldn’t get by without you!” I chuckled. “Let’s see, do I have everything?” 

“Phone? Songs? Guitar?” Layla listed the things I needed to bring.

“Check, check, ch--” I started answering, when I realized I hadn’t brought my guitar. At that moment, I saw Niall coming down the stairs with my guitar in his hand. 

“Check!” He said, then we were out the door. “How are you feeling?” 

“A bit nervous, but I know with you there and everyone’s support, I’ll do fine.” I chuckled nervously after finishing.

“That’s my girl!” Niall cheered, then held my hand while driving to the studio. The studio was only 10 minutes away from the shore house, so we got there in no time. “Ready for the first step in your big career?” All I could do was nod and grab Niall’s hand. 

We walked in and was instantly greeted by Ed and his producer, Jake. “I’m so happy to finally meet you Skylar!” He said to me, then gave me a big hug. 

“You too, Mr. Gosling.” I greeted him.

“Please, call me Jake.” He then turned to Niall. “Nice seeing you again Ni. Taking care of her, yes?” 

“Of course, Jake. She’s my princess.” He smiled, then nudged me closer to him and gave me a peck on the head. 

“Alright, let’s get started!” Ed suggested, then brought everyone into the meeting room. It was long and narrow, with a giant table centered in the middle, chairs surrounding it on all sides. 

“So, Skylar. Tell me about yourself.” Jake proceeded to ask me.

“Like what? I’m sorry I’ve never done something like this before.” I asked him.

“How old are you? What do you like to do? How many songs have you written? Stuff like that.” Ed pitched in, helping me. 

“Well, I’m seventeen. I like laughing, hanging out with friends, writing, listening to music. I have about fifteen finished and unfinished songs. Ed’s read a few of them. We actually sung one on stage together at a One Direction concert back in April or something.” I explained to him.

“Young, talented, likes to have fun, beautiful, dating world-known pop star. You’re going to go far Skylar.” Jake smiled at me, then walked out of the room with Ed. 

“I think that went well.” I said, nervous still.

“Who are you kidding? That went awesome! He really likes you Skye!” Niall cheered, when the two men came back into the meeting room. 

“Alright Skylar, let’s see what you’ve got.” Jake told me, then pointed to the recording booth. 

“Which song would you like to hear?” I asked him, handing him a list with summaries of each song under the title.

“Let’s listen to Trapped, please.” Jake said to me, but kept the song list.

“Yes, sir.” I said, then walked into the recording booth with my guitar. I sat down on the chair that was placed there, put the headphones on and pulled the microphone closer.

I looked over at Niall and he winked at me, then nodded and I began to sing. 

I am trapped 

I’ve been troubled for long 

Yet I still haven’t adapted 

I never knew I was this strong 

I am strapped 

To this ride 

Of the hell hole 

That we call life 

I am trapped  

Oh so trapped 

Come save me 

After I finished singing, I put my guitar on the stand and placed the headphones back in their spot. I looked over at Ed and he gave me a smile, as did Niall. 

“So what’d you think, Jake?” Ed asked our producer and I immediately looked over at him. He was sitting comfortably in his chair behind the audio controls.

“You have some serious talent, Skye. I really like you.” He told me, and my face lit up. 

“Thank you so much, Jake. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am.” I exclaimed.

“You’re going to be hearing that a lot now.” Niall joked with him, and I nodded. 

“Alright, let’s have some lunch and talk contracts.” Jake suggested, then led us out into the cafeteria area.

“Babe, did you bring in our lunches?” I asked Niall, who walked back into the meeting room and grabbed the lunch bags. “Let’s eat!” I sat down next to Niall at a table for four, where Jake and Ed sat across from us.

I took out my pickles and peanut butter sandwich and instantly got a reaction from the guys. “What is that?” Ed asked, with a slightly disgusted look on his face.

“Pickles and peanut butter. Want to try it?” I asked.

“N-No thanks.” Ed stuttered, then began eating his tuna sandwich. 

“Excuse me for a moment.” Niall put his phone to his ear and stepped out of the room.

“Could I try a bite?” Jake asked me, and I handed over my sandwich. He took a smaller bite, but his face seemed to enjoy what his mouth encountered. “That’s surprisingly good!” 

“Right? It’s a weir--” I was interrupted by Niall coming back into the room, his face beaming. “What is it Nialler?” I asked him.

“Denise and Greg just had a baby!” He cheered. “I’m an uncle!” He was so excited.

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