54- Layla's Confused Love Life

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After Louis, was Zayn, who was running after him. Blakely, Liam, and Layla walked in a few moments after the other two, and Layla had make up stains from crying. “What happened?” Skylar ran up to Layla and Blakely. 

“Layla told Louis she loved Harry.” Blakely blurted out. Oh no

“You did what?!” Amelia ran over and yelled. “But how could you do that to him?” 

“I’ve always been in love with Harry, don’t get me wrong, Louis is an amazing guy, but--” Skylar cut her off.

“But nothing, you said it yourself, Louis is an amazing guy. That’s it.” She told her.

“But I have greater feelings for Harry.” She looked him dead in the eye while talking. I tried to block Harry’s view of Layla, so I took him into the bedroom with Louis and Zayn.

“Lou, are you alright?” I asked him, but from his facial expressions, he wasn’t. Harry walked in behind me, not wanting Louis to see him, but that didn’t work either.

“She loves you, not me.” Louis told him.

“I can’t stop what she loves, but this isn’t going to affect our friendship, is it?” Harry asked Louis, sitting down next to him on the bed.

“I don’t want it to Haz, but I won’t be able to see her with you.” He looked up at Harry.

“Don’t worry Lou, I love Amelia. Layla is just a good friend of mine, just like Blakely, and Skylar. Nothing’s going to change.” Harry looked down at Louis, then they hugged for a moment.

“Everything okay now?” Liam walked in the room. Everyone nodded, so he smiled at the positive response. “Okay, now let’s let the girls talk with us all now.” We all walked out into the living room, where Layla was in Blakely’s arms, still slightly crying.

I sat down next to Skylar on the couch, “How’s Layla doing?” I asked her.

“Take a look for yourself.” She told me, so I looked over at Layla. She still had tears in her eyes, as did Louis.

“Alright, I want to know what happened today that led up to this.” Harry came in and asked the group. “Louis, you start.” 

“No.” He stated, with a straight face, wiping the tears away.

“Alright, Zayn?” I asked.

“We went out for some ice cream, after we walked around the park all day.” He paused, then continued talking. “When we were sat in the ice cream parlor, we all began talking. One thing led to another, then the next thing you know, Louis ran out to the car crying.” Zayn explained.

“Okay,” Harry said, then turned to Layla, “Why don’t you love Louis anymore?” he asked her.

“I-I don’t know, I’ve always liked you the most, but you seem so happy with Amelia, I don’t want to break it up.” She paused, looking at Louis now. “I’m so sorry this happened, I just don’t think we could be together if I feel this way about Harry.” She looked Louis straight in the eyes, then began to cry again.

“Layla please don’t do this.” Harry told her, but there was no use.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be with him, if I love you.” Layla explained.

“Why are you doing this to him?” Zayn added himself into the conversation.

“I didn’t choose to love Harry, it just happened.” she paused and turned to Louis, “I’m truly sorry, I really am.” She stopped and ran out of the room.

“I’ll go.” Harry said, which shocked us all. After he left, the rest of us tried to change the subject for Louis’ sake.

“So what did you guys to today?” Blakely asked us.

“Niall and Harry took us to a park, then to Nando’s, then back to the park.” Skylar told her.

“And at the park, we did a few performances for fans.” Amelia added in, excited.

“That’s awesome guys!” Liam stated.

I guess that was the big crowd at the park, huh?” Zayn asked us, laughing. “Alright, let’s head off to bed, it’s been a long day for all of us.” Everyone agreed, so I kissed Skylar goodnight and walked in our room. I had forgotten Harry and Layla were in there, and we walked in on them talking.

“S-sorry guys, we’re all heading off to bed.” I told them, and they nodded.

“We’ll continue this in the morning Layla, okay?” Harry asked her and she nodded, walking out of the room. 

“So how’d it all go?” Zayn asked, walking in the room with Liam and Louis. 

“She explained everything to me, like how she fell for me first, but didn’t want to hurt Amelia, but she couldn’t hold it in forever and it just happened to come out tonight.” Harry explained, “And that she’s really sorry Louis.” 

Louis nodded, but didn’t put much effort into it, then crawled into bed. “Could I sleep next to Niall tonight?” He asked us, and I nodded, then got into bed. 

“Goodnight guys, sleep well.” Liam tried to cheer us up, then we all fell asleep.

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