33- School Shocker

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I tried not to blush because I didn’t want to start another song writing conversation. Although, this time I started it, not Layla. “Umm,” I paused, “it’s a parody I made.” I managed to get out.

“Skylar and I wrote that one day in fencing practice.” Layla told them. “Well, she mostly wrote it, but I helped!” She chirped, and I nodded and smiled at her.

“Could I hear it fully?” Harry asked me. I pulled out my phone and played the 15 second clip I recorded of the chorus.

“I don’t have a full recording of it because I need more people.” I explained to him, but he continued to listen to it.

“Skylar, this sounds awesome,” he paused, “even though I don’t really understand the terms.” Harry told me. Layla and I had made a fencing version to the song, so the boys wouldn’t really understand it. “Do you have the lyrics on you?” He asked me, then I took back my phone and pulled them up.

“I have a great idea!!” Amelia yelled as everyone turned to look at her. “You guys could sing it at the fencing dinner!” She yelled, yet again. That’s a great idea! 

“That’s an awesome idea Mel!” Blakely cheered and everyone else agreed.

“We’ll run it past Simon tomorrow and hopefully record it soon!” Zayn told us all. One Direction wants to record a song Layla and I parodied. Wow.

“Look at my little genius,” Harry told Amelia, then hugged her. He looked down at his watch and jumped a bit. “We better get going, we have another concert tomorrow.”

“And you girls have school!” Liam chirped. We all got up and hopped into the cars with our boyfriends. Layla & Louis were with Niall & I, while Amelia & Harry drove with Liam, Zayn & Blakely. After we all got dropped off, I walked in my house, kissed my family good night, and then passed out in bed.

The Next Morning

“Skylar, Skye, Wake Up!” My mom was yelling my name, bright and early in the morning. She ran into my room and grabbed my remote.

“What are you doing mom?” I asked, my voice tired.

“The parade from yesterday is on channel 4! Look!” She turned the channel and turned up the volume. I couldn’t believe it! The news was showing Niall serenading me, then asking me out! Wow! “Is this what you guys did yesterday?” She asked me, excited. I nodded and she smiled, then walked out the room, allowing me to get ready for school.

I checked my phone and had many missed calls and texts. Most of them were from my two friends Isabel and Riley. Isabel and Riley are almost exactly the same, they could probably pass as sisters, and they’re so close which makes it all the better. The texts were about the news and what they were airing. I told them I’d tell them when we got to school.

I threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a t shirt and grabbed my backpack, then headed out the door to the bus stop. I saw Catherine walking her dog, Dixie, and we stopped and had a short conversation. It was interrupted by the bus driving down the hill to my stop. As I waved goodbye to my neighbor, I hopped on the bus and sat in my seat. 

The next stop was Jade and Riley’s. When they got on, I was bombarded with questions from Riley, so I explained everything. She was cheering and laughing, and at some points her face dropped. We ‘rounded the school corner and walked off the bus and into the school. My friends and I aren’t necessarily the popular type, so having everyone stare at me while I walked down the hall was kind of weird.

People who I didn’t even know were coming up to me and congratulating me and cheering at me as I walked by. I’m not quite sure I like this though, especially from people I know. But as I turned the corner to Layla’s locker, I didn’t see her. I saw Blakely and Amelia, however.

“Where’s Layla?” I asked, slightly nervous because Layla has almost never been absent, or late for that matter. Amelia and Blakely just shrugged their shoulders and motioned for me to sit down. Jade and Riley went over to visit Isabel at her locker. “Where do you think she is?” I asked, once again, slightly nervous.

“Maybe she’s just late,” Amelia paused as she pulled out her phone, “She just texted me saying she was up all night on Skype with Louis and she’ll be here soon.” I nodded my head, just as I had gotten a text from Niall.

hey babe, Simon said the parody is a go! Txt u latr, love u.xx” 

“Niall just texted me saying the parody was approved by Simon!” I cheered, but was interrupted by the bell. We all said goodbye as I walked over to Isabel’s locker. We walked to our first class together, which was gym. Isabel waited to ask me questions about the parade and all until we were in the locker room. 

“So, how did you g--” She was interrupted when I ran over to Layla, who had tears streaming down her face.

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