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Middle Earth official status: Awesome
Prussia official status: Awesomer
Middle Earth official status: Awesomer than awesomer.
Prussia official status: Awesomer than the one who is Awesomer than Awesomer.

Middle Earth: *is awesomer than the one who is Awesomer than the one who is awesomer than awesomer.

Prussia: *is awesomer than the one who is awesomer than the one who is awesomer than the one who is awesomer than awesomer*

Prussia: No one can be awesomer than that!

Middle Earth: I can be better and I can say how in one word.

Prussia: Well, do it then.

Middle Earth: Awesomest.

Prussia: Awesomer than awesomest.

Middle Earth: Awesomer than awesomer than awesomest.

Prussia: Awesomer than awesomer than awesomer than awesomest.

Me: Middle Earth is an infinity of awesome.

Prussia: I am two infinities.

Middle Earth: Three.

Prussia: Four.

Middle Earth: five.

Prussia: Six.

Middle Earth: seven.

Prussia: Eight

Middle Earth: nine.

Prussia: Ten, Eleven.

Middle Earth: You lose Don't say __. *it's Don't Say Twenty One*

Prussia: I did not say twenty one....darn.

Middle Earth: Awesomer than darn.

*read again. Just kidding*

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