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This is more of a dedication than a chapter.
1. The Most Awesome Reader/Follower/FRIEND Ever: Freedom_Dancer . Freedom_Dancer has commented and voted and just been the awesome Wattpad friend I have. Thank you for that.

2. TheOneWhoRants for commenting and sending in an OC, and also trying to help me in tough times. Thank you.

3. MeowUniverse because...well, this is one cool cat (it's a pun). This person has one heck of an interesting book, and you should read it, it's REALLY GOOD. It deserves more recognition than it has and...yeah.
UPDATE: OMFG I HAD THE SH'TTIEST DAY AT SCHOOL but when I got home, I saw LOTS of notifications saying MeowUniverse commented and voted and I almost died from smiling. I made horrible choking sounds that made my brother have a panic attack but that was happiness THANK YOU MeowUniverse .

4. DragonGirl_97 and AthenaW_21 and Owl_Patronus for being AMAZINGLY AWESOME writers like MeowUniverse. You should see their books, too, and they're really nice people.

Thank you for reading this book and bothering to read the next chapter or so on. Thank you all. I'll miss you! (I'm talking to the book). I'LL MISS YOU!!!!!

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