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Me: *jumping up and down on top of England for no reason whatsoever*

England: *is on the verge of being VERY pissed off*

America: So, dudes.....anyone up for a.........latte burger?

England: Alfred, what the hell is a latte burger?

America: Only the best McDonald's coffee burger ever!

France: Even that burger is not a beautiful, Alfred Jones.

America: Good thing your opinion doesn't count for me, France. Nor yours, England.

Russia: Da, they're right. Agree, Al?

America: No, dude, no. I'm stronger than you. Anyone for a latte burger? Going once, going twice. No one? YOU PEOPLE ARE SO MEAN!!!

Russia: It's because your lattes are too chunky.

England: And burgers are extremely unhealthy.

France: Plus, we've been to McDonalds too many times.

China: Panda finds it too dirty there, aru.

Canada: a-and, the clowns are c-creepy.

America: Matthew? You too? What is wrong with you guys? *sigh* if only you guys liked my food more....*sobbing*

Everyone: Finally everyone realized that McDona-

Me: Okay, then Iggy cooks.

Everyone except Arthur: *rushes hurriedly to McDonalds*

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