Alberta: *really mad*
Germany: Is Alberta Okay?
Alberta: I want to throw stuff.
Germany throws fists at a punching bag...all day.
Italy throws forks that make his pasta taste odd.
Japan throws maps of places that France gave him...for obvious reasons
China throws anti-pandaism
Russia throws rum because vodka is all the rage.
England throws books at the windows when he's mad.
Alberta throws batteries.
Saskatchewan throws coal about 30000000 miles away. He's scared of circular objects...
Manitoba throws microwaves at people.
Me: What?
Manitoba: What?
Me: Um, dude... That's mean.
Alberta: Manitoba help me there's microwaves flying at me help me I'm being assaulted by microwaves OMG OMG OMG
Hetalia Randomness
LosoweAll in the title. Random funny Hetalia Scenerios and Oneshots that I found cool in my thoughts so......yeah. Whatever.