Chapter 3

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I disapparated and left Draco. I then appeared in a dark forest and I immediately heard shouting. The shouting came from across a river and I began to follow the noise.

"I told you everything that Dumbledore told me! In case you haven't noticed, we have found one Horcrux already!" Harry. I walked faster approaching a small tent set up next to a large tree.

I then heard Ron shout, "Yes, and we are as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest, aren't we?" I walked into the tent and they all stopped and looked at me.

"Rose! What happened. You weren't with us when we arrived." Hermione said slightly flustered.

"Sorry. I got distracted and didn't reach you in time.." I said awkwardly as everyone was arguing.

Hermione sighed and turned back to Ron.

"Ron, Please, take off the Horcrux.
You wouldn't have spoken like this
if you hadn't wore it all day." She said. I looked at Ron and realised he had a pendant on his neck.

"You know, why I listen to the radio every night?" Ron said.
"To make sure that i don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George or mums."

"You think i don't know that? You think i don't know how it feels?" Harry said angrily raising his voice.

"You don't know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!" Ron screamed and I immediately felt sorry for Harry.
"Stop! Stop!" I said loudly.

"Fine. I'm leaving." He said taking off the necklace and throwing it on the floor.

"Ron..." I sighed.

"And you? Are you coming or
are you staying?" Ron asked Hermione. She looked at Harry and then looked at the floor.

"Fine. I get it. I saw you two the other night." He said

"There is nothing." Harry said calmly.

Ron stormed out of the tent and Hermione went after him.

"Ron! Ron, where are you going? Come back, now!" She cried.

I looked at Harry and gave him an apologetic smile. I bent down to pick up the necklace and I examined it. "So this little thing has been driving him insane?" I asked.

"Yep. 'Fraid so." Harry said sitting down.

"I've come to help. Obviously. I hope I'm not getting in the way..." I mumbled.

"No. Everythings fine. Ron just had a bad day." Harry said walking away.

Suddenly, my head began to hurt and I had to sit down. Voldemort then began to speak. "My child. Do not forget that I am watching your every last move. Although you try to help them I will not let you. How dare you betray me." I shut my eyes and rested my head in my hands.
"You shouldn't have done this child." He said and with that he left.

Hermione ran through the tent and said, "Quick, death eaters." Harry turned off all the lights and grabbed the Horcrux which was on the table. I walked outside and followed Harry and Hermione who hastily jogged towards a big tree, much like the whomping willow.

Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist and stopped me. Of course. Hermione hadnt provided me with the invisibility spell. "Found her." Scabior said laughing. "Nice try!" He said dragging me back. Harry and Hermione stood frozen. I looked at them and frowned. Any help? No? Bellatrix appeared in front of me and smiled. "Naughty naughty!" She squealed and with that we disapparated.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now