Chapter 14

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Cedric pulled me onto the corridors out of all the commotion and he said,"Finally, now I can think." 

"Today is so fun. It's amazing with you Cedric." I smiled at him and he said,"Your amazing too" he kissed me softly and I felt him smile as he pulled me closer. I looked around and we were alone. Everybody was talking to us and we wanted some space. We could still hear the music in the background and apart from that it was silent. 

"It's nice, to have some quiet and just sit here with you" He smiled and took my hand to sit next to him. I did and I said,"I feel the same way." I rested my head on his shoulder. "Tomorrow, it's the final task. You know it's going to be harder than the rest." I said quietly.

"The others were quite stressful. I think I can manage." He laughed.

"Hm, I hope so. You'll be okay right?" 

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry. Even if I don't win. I'll be fine" he assured me. I hugged him a little tighter and he said,"Right, ready?"

"What?" I stood up with him and he pointed to the grand hall.

"Ohh, yeah, lets go." We headed back but suddenly I stopped as I heard whispering in my head. Oh no. Not this no. "Cedric? You go on without me. I need air. I'll be in soon. Promise."

"Really? I'll stay if you want."

"Ah, no its fine go on." He nodded and walked back. I sat back down and put my hands on my head.

"Rose..." Voldemort started and I frowned as I tried to block him out.

"Rose...I need you to do something for me...."

"No." I whispered.


 He left and I saw two feet standing in front of me. I looked up and it was Draco.

"What do you want?" I asked rubbing my head nervously.

"He's bothering you isn't he? Voldemort?"

"Just leave me alone." I got up and went to leave. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. 

"No. I want to help you. There's something you need to know."

"No! Not tonight Draco." I yanked my arm out of his grip and walked back to the hall. I looked back and Draco was watching after me with an apologetic look on his face. I ignored it and went to find Cedric.

"Rose? Can you come here for a second?" It was Hermione. She was crying on the steps and I was shocked. 

"Hermione, what's happened?" I asked as I sat down next to her. 

"It's Ron. He started shouting at me. It is all because he is jealous and it's his fault he didn't ask me first!" 

"Aww, don't cry. Come on. Forget about it. After all, He does look like a girl right now." We both laughed and she looked happier. Draco walked past glancing at us as he sent  by. 

"Has he said anything to you today?" Hermione asked.

"Haha, he tried. Although I told him to clear off." We laughed again. "Look, Viktor looks lost without you. You should go." I said.

"We should go. Cedric is looking everywhere for you!" We laughed our heads off and went to get them.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now