Chapter 15

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Hermione went to Viktor and I found Cedric sitting alone at a table. "Hey" I stood next to him and he said,"Where was you, I've been waiting forever" He said with a slight smirk on his face. He pulled me onto his lap and I said,"Well, after I'd got some air, Hermione needed me so that's why I was longer. I'm sorry." He smiled.
"It's okay." He whispered as he kissed me. "This song, I like it. Care to dance?"
"Why, of course." I got up and we went to the dance floor. The slow songs were playing and we danced all through the night. 

It was really late once most people had gone. It was really only Cedric and I, Hermione and Viktor, Draco, who was sitting at a table by himself with his head in his hands, and Neville and Ginny. There were no professors and everybody seemed calm. I lifted up my head from Cedric's shoulder and draped my arms tighter around his neck. He pulled me in closer and put his forehead on mine. "I love you Rose Silvers." He said. 
"I love you, Cedric Diggory." I replied. With that, he put his lips on mine and we kissed until the song was over. We went and sat down. I sat next to Cedric and he put his arm around me. I sunk into the crook of his neck and I noticed Draco was staring at me, or Cedric. He was switching between us so I couldn't make it out clearly. "Rose?" Cedric murmured.
"Why is Draco looking at us, well, why is he staring at us?" He whispered.
"Uh-I-I don't know" I knew why he was staring at us I didn't want Cedric to feel annoyed so I just avoided the situation.
"Well, it's getting on my nerves." Cedric got up and walked over towards the drinks. I looked at Draco and I mouthed 'what?' He simply looked at me, annoyance written all over his face, and got up and walked over to me in a rush. I looked over at Cedric who was now nowhere to be seen. I was pretty annoyed now because Cedric has left. I bet he is annoyed with Draco and he's left. Just like that.

"Draco, what is your problem? Your being pathetic" I sighed. He stood over me.
"Pathetic? Excuse me. I'm trying to help you here."  He said quickly.
"Help me? Cedric has left, that doesn't help me at all!" I got up and Hermione came over to me, followed by Viktor and asked,"Is everything alright?"
"Everything is fine." Draco spouted through grit teeth.
"It doesn't look fine." Viktor said.
"Yes, everything is fine. I was just saying good-bye to Draco and on my way to meet Cedric. Now if you'll excuse me." I smiled at Viktor and Hermione and left. Thankfully, Draco didn't follow me.

At least, I thought he didn't. I went into the corridor and searched for Cedric but he couldn't be seen. Someone grabbed my arm and pushed me into a gap between the walls where there was an arch window. The gap was tiny and it was none other than Draco who had put me there.
"Draco, enough! Let me go, for goodness sake!" I went to get out but he put his arm up against the wall so I couldn't escape.
"Listen to me Rose, I need to tell you something important." His grey eyes glistened in the moonlight. 
"No, Draco. I've told you already." I pushed his arm away and quickly escaped. I walked up the corridor and he caught up with me pulling me into the boys toilets. Luckily for him, there was nobody in there. I turned to get out but the door shut and I was locked in. Draco shoved his wand back into his pocket and sighed. "Rose, just listen to me, please."
"Ugh! You are so horrible! Cedric is gone and I need to find him. You have annoyed him and now you are locking me in here?!" I shouted, I was angry at him for doing this.
"I couldn't care less about you or Cedric! I just want you to listen to me!" I was in shock.
"Oh, really? Well, if you don't care about me then, why am I here?" I retorted. I felt like crying but I stopped myself.
"Rose,you don't understand..." He looked as though he was going to cry.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now