Chapter 17

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Once I landed I was hugging tightly onto someone. I didn't bother to see who it was because I knew. It was my father. I knew because if it were Draco, I probably would have already kissed him by now thanking god we're okay. "My child, whatever is the matter." I felt sad, upset, that my father had turned out to become someone like this.

I felt my eyes stinging. He pushed me backward and said,"Why are you crying?"
"Because, all my life has been a lie. And now I finally meet you, my father, I feel like I had wasted so many years, and I could have helped you somehow."
"My child, that would not have been possible. For years I tried to become alive again And I-" He saw my mothers necklace I was wearing. He took the ring in his fingers and he suddenly looked sad. A look I thought I would never see from him. "This ring, I gave it to your mother when I asked her to marry me. Of course, she wouldn't have a wedding without a bridesmaid. However, I was soon corrupted my evil. This has become my life. I'm sorry, Rose. I must be who I set myself up to be. I must become the darkest wizard of all time. I want to become that. But I still love you Rose. You are my flesh and blood." I looked at him and he smiled sadly. "I have to leave my child. You need to stay here until next year begins. I will come back here before you go back to Hogwarts. Understand?" I nodded. He kissed my head then stepped back and disapparated.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now