Chapter 12

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Weeks had passed since that day with Draco. we had grown further apart and I hardly saw him anymore. That isn't the only thing that has gone wrong. Ron, Harry, Hermione and I all agreed I should stay away from him because apparently he can't be trusted. However, Cedric and I had grown much closer and we are happy together, really happy. In fact, a lot has changed since that day. Almost everything.

It was the day of the Yule Ball and everybody was practicing, getting their outfits and everything. It was the day before the final challenge and I was so excited. Everybody who was going to the ball sat in the great hall until it was time to get ready. We sat with Cedric as we always did since he asked us to. People had calmed down about Harry and instead some even wished him luck, which I was happy about, because he didn't deserve people bullying him about it.

I sat next to Cedric and the others sat around and we all talked random chit chat. "Silence" Professor Dumbledore announced as he stepped up to his podium. "Now, as you all know, the yule ball will commence in 3 hours. Take this time to get ready in your dormitories, good luck to you all" Dumbledore stepped down from the podium and everybody started to get up and they all bustled out the hall. Cedric and I were the last to leave. We made our way up to the moving staircases. He stood outside the hufflepuff common room  door and I stood on the steps just below. He took my hands and said,"I'll see you tonight then". I smiled and he kissed me softly, only to be pulled away from each other because my staircase moved away from him. We both laughed and I waved as I made my way to the slytherin common room.

Once I got to my room I got ready and I was pretty chuffed, I looked really nice, for a change. Harry gave me his invisibility cloak so I could go and sit with Hermione as we would be going there to meet our dates together. Today, she said she would tell me who her date is. I can not wait.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now