Chapter 18

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The next day, I woke up and tried to shake things off. Forget about last night. About everything. Voldemort couldn't possibly be my father.

In the afternoon, Ron, Hermione and I sat in the library. "Did you know, that fear of the name, only causes fear of the thing itself?" Hermione asked us. "It says it here." She pointed her finger onto a page and flicked the book around to us. I glanced over the page but I was too focused on spinning my pencil around in circles on the table. Cedric was off preparing for the final battle with Harry, Fleur and Viktor, while I was at here contemplating whether or not my best friend's enemy was my father. I lay my head on the table and closed my eyes. All these questions were making me feel dizzy.

Is it true?
Is he really my father?
What if something bad does happen when I go to the tournament?
What if my whole childhood was a lie?
Would he even love me as his daughter?
What would he do if he met me?

"Rose?" I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. Hermione and Ron were staring at me and Ron said,"You look terrible. Bloody terrible."
"Yes, you do, Rose. Do you need something?" I shook my head. 
"I'm going to get some fresh air, maybe go down to Hogsmeade. Grab some butter beers. Your welcome to join me if you like." I got up and returned the pencil to a pot on the table. Ron said,"Yes, I can't last another minute in here. We've been here for ages." He got up and we headed out. I looked back and Hermione was shutting her book, she obviously made the decision to come with us. So, we were on our way to Hogsmeade.

When we got there, we went into the three broomsticks. We ordered our butter beers and sat on a table in the corner. "So, who's excited for the final tournament?" Ron asked. 
"Definitely." Hermione answered. I nodded my head in approval. "I hear there is going to be a maze of some sort. I overheard the Patil twins talking about it earlier." Ron said as he took another sip of his butter beer. 
"I just want it to start. I'm getting kind of excited already." I stated as I drunk the last of my butter beer. "Come on. The tournament is going to start soon." I jumped up and we all made our way to the tournament.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now