Chapter 19

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*** Next year, day before going back to Hogwarts for the sixth year***

I woke up slowly and stretched before I got out of bed. I hadn't got letters from Harry or anyone infact all holiday. I was worried and I wished they were okay. They used to sent me letters every holiday.

I got dressed and I went and had breakfast. When I got to the table, everybody was already there. Pansy scowled at me, which she had been doing all holiday. I went and got some toast and sat next to Draco.
"Are you alright?" Draco asked as he kissed my cheek.
"Yeah," I replied. Once I had finished my toast, Lucius called me and Draco into the living room.

He shut the door and said,"Okay, the dark lord promised to come back. He shall. For you both. Now, Draco, your friends are leaving in an hour after that he shall be here. You must wait here." He then left and Draco frowned and looked at me.

"What-don't worry. That's really confusing." He said, looking puzzled. "I don't know." I said sitting down.
After about half an hour Draco went and said goodbye to Pansy, Crabb, Goyle and Blaise and he then came back and sat next to me. We waited and Bellatrix came in followed by my father. He looked at me and smiled, except, I couldn't help feel he was up to something.

"Hello, my child. Draco. How are you both?" He asked. Bellatrix sat next to Draco and I said,"I'm good, great actually."
"Same here." Draco said.
"Good, now. My children, I have a very important job for you both. You must do it or I'm afraid, consequences must be put into practice. Draco, from the last time I asked you to do something, I think you know what the consequence is. Rose, my dear, I'm sure you don't want the consequence to happen, so, listen carefully. In order for me to become the greatest wizard of all time, you know I must kill Harry Potter." I swallowed hard. No. Not Harry. He's my best friend.

"There is one thing stopping me from doing that, as I realized from my last encounter with Harry. Dumbledore." What?! No... "Yes, I'm afraid, you both must kill Dumbledore."

Dumbledore helped me and... explained my life to me. He's - no, I can't do this... "If you do not complete this task, I'm afraid, Draco, you must die." A look of panic washed over Draco's face as he heard this.
"What?! No, you can't do that!" I stood up and Voldemort frowned at me.
"My dear, you must, or I shall kill him. I trust him. I have put all my faith in him. He is the chosen one. I did not choose his father, or his mother, or any other of my faithful servants. Out of all others, Draco is chosen and he is now in my trust. And I, being your father, trust you. Being my daughter, I wish you will abide in my wishes." I looked at Draco who stood up and lowered his head.
"I will do as you wish, master." He said slowly.
"No..." I whispered.
"My child?" Voldemort said. I looked over at Bellatrix who smiled reassuringly and nodded. I looked back at Voldemort.
"Okay, I'll, I will do it." I sighed, wanting to cry, but I held it back.

Voldemort held out his hand and I took it. He pushed my sleeve up and said,"My dear, you are now fully trusted and are now one of my valued followers." He pointed his wand onto my arms and muttered some words. Then a skull appeared on my arms with a serpent descending from it's mouth like a tongue and it coiled itself around, and was now like a tattoo. I was now a death eater, at 16...
He then did the same to Draco, and just before he left with Bellatrix, he hugged me and said, "I trust you." then disapparated.

What have I done?

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now