Chapter 7

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I made my way to the grand hall and quickly sat down next to Harry. I didn't look at anyone I just kept my head down. "Rose?" Harry asked. I looked up at him and saw his worried expression. "I'm fine, Harry." I said, a little harshly.
"Really?" Harry asked as he moved closer to me.
"Look, I don't want to talk about it. Okay?" I said. Harry moved away and said," Alright, fine."

After that, Hermione whispered to Harry. "Look Harry, it's Katie Bell, the one who was hexed." Harry turned around and glanced at her walking down the aisle. Hexed? Draco must have done it when I was with Dumbledore. Harry quickly got up and followed her. He stopped her and they started to talk. I looked back at Hermione and Ron and they said,"Oh, while you were with Dumbledore, Katie got hexed. No one knows who did it though." Hermione explained.
"Bloody weird if you ask me." Ron added.

I looked back at Harry to see him looking this way. At first, I thought he was looking at me, but then I turned around and saw Draco standing there. He looked distressed and his hair seemed to look almost silver as it draped over his face. I saw Draco swallow hard and he quickly turned around and left the hall in a hurry. I frowned and looked back at Harry. Who was bounding down the aisle after Draco. I suddenly felt nervous and looked up at Ron and Hermione who were watching all this.

I quickly got up and chased after Harry. Harry entered the boy's toilet and I sighed. Not again, I can't go in there again. I could get in trouble. I thought about the situation. Harry and Ron went into the girl's toilet to save Hermione right? In first year. So it couldn't hurt. I finally got myself to go in there and what do you know? Harry and Draco fighting. I ran inside and saw Harry, I didn't see Draco yet, but Harry shouted, "Sectumsempra!" I then yelled "Expelliarmus!" to Harry and he looked round at me in shock. Draco hadn't come back yet and Harry walked round and saw him. A look of horror fell over Harry's face and he looked at me in shock. I quickly went to where Harry was standing and shoved past him. I then saw Draco lying there, covered with blood, struggling for breath and he was in so much pain. I almost ran over to him, but Professor Snape ran into the room and bent beside him. He muttered a spell, "Vulnera Sanentur ", and the blood slowly returned from the floor to Draco's body, and Harry rushed out the room. I slowly backed away, and Snape said, "Not so fast", in his slow tone he usually uses.

We were now in Professor Snape's office and we sat opposite him as he sat at his desk. It was silent for a minute. "Rose Silvers and Draco Malfoy. I understand that you both have been chosen by the dark lord to fulfil a task given by him. Is that right?" Snape began saying quietly.
"Yes sir." We said together.
"And, am I right to understand, that the time is coming up for you to accomplish the task?"
We both nodded and Snape leant forward over the table. "Both of you, need to realise that I am to assist you. I have made the unbreakable vow. I swore to protect you both. Let me assist you." Snape almost pleaded.

"Yes sir-" I began but Draco cut me off and said, "No, we were chosen for this. It's our moment. We don't need protection. We won't fail him." Snape sat back in his chair and said, "Your afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious, let me assist you."
"Draco let him. What if you really do fail him and then he kills you?" I said to him. Draco looked at me with a worried expression and then slumped in his chair. "Fine." He muttered. Snape nodded and said, "Good. You both may go now." I got up and said, "Thank you, Sir." Then I left and Draco got up and followed me out.

"Why are you so ungrateful, that man has put his life on the line for us and your telling him to practically go and jump off a bridge?" I said walking down the corridor.

"Well, I don't think he should've interfered. Anyway, it's not like your doing anything. I'm doing most of the work." Draco complained.
"It's not like I want to do this Draco." I sighed as I headed back to the grand hall.

When I got inside the hall, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all sitting where they had been. I was going to sit with them. However, Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me back out of the hall into the corridor. "What?" I asked. Draco looked at me through his blonde hair and said, "I love you."
"I love you too. Just stop being so mean to the man trying to help us." I explained.
"Fine." With that his lips crashed onto mine and he held me tightly. "I'll be nice for you." He said and pulled me into a hug. Where have I heard that before?He then let me go and I smiled and returned to my friends.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now