Chapter 9

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We had potions in the grand hall. The four of us finished our work quickly and handed it in to Snape. We then went out and sat in the astronomy tower. 
"What were you thinking harry?" Ron asked.
"Your not still going on about the goblet are you?" Harry moaned.
"Yeah, yeah I am, because I don't believe you right now? Ron said.
"Guys! Stop acting like immature school boys and just learn to forgive each other!" Hermione told them.
Harry got up and walked over to the window. Ron got up and sat away from everyone else. Hermione looked at me and I smiled softly. 

"I saw Draco looking at you in potions earlier. Is something the matter?" Hermione whispered. I turned my head towards her and let of an unsteady breath. I could feel my hand starting to shake and I immediately felt cold. I looked back down at my hands and then back at Hermione.
"He kissed me" I whispered.
She looked at the floor in shock and said,"And?"
"I-I-I don't know. I didn't say another word to him after."
"Another word to who?" Ron asked. Harry turned around and leant on the wall. All of them looked at me intently waiting for me to give them an answer.
"Go on. Tell them Rose." Hermione nudged me.
This wasn't going to turn out well. At all.

"Well..." I started off. I struggled for words. I couldn't tell them about Voldemort. I know from Draco what will happen if I do. "Draco was talking to me, earlier on today and," I fiddled with my jumper then shook my head. 'Just come right out and say it' I thought. "and he kissed me".
"What? Your fraternizing with the enemy!" Ron exclaimed as he pointed at me.
"It wasn't my fault Ron! HE kissed ME. It wasn't my choice!" I felt upset and I stood up. Holding back tears I went to leave.
"Rose! Ron's just having an off day don't worry about it!" Hermione called after me.
I ran downstairs and headed towards the common room. I barged though crowds and tried to get there quickly as possible. 
"Rose? are you alright?" I heard people call me. Neville, Seamus, Ginny, Luna. I ignored them and decided to go to the clocktower courtyard instead. I sat down on the cold stone steps and listened to the sound of the night. 

"Rose" I turned around. It was Draco. 
"What do you want?" I said bluntly. He came and sat next to me.
"I'm sorry. If I lead you on or-"
"You didn't lead me on at all." I said not looking at him.
"Well, I'm sorry. I care about you and I'm sorry for everything I've gotten you into. For everything I have done to you. I hate myself for it, Rose. I need to ask you something."
I looked at him and he looked really upset. Like he'd just been crying. "Yes?"
He frowned and looked around. Suddenly I knew why he was frowning...

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now