Chapter 17

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"Well, we have been up for ages." He sighed. "We should probably get to bed. I need to anyway. I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow!" He jumped up and held out his hand towards me. 
"Yes," I smiled. "Lets." I took his hand and we we headed to the common rooms.

As I got to the common room I went up and got changed into and old t-shirt and some pyjama bottoms and got in bed and tried to sleep. It was no use I couldn't. I grabbed a book and headed into the lounge. As I got down there Draco was sitting staring into the fire. He didn't notice I was there so I turned quietly to go back up but the stair creaked and I saw him turn around out of the corner of my eye. "Rose? What's the matter?" He asked. I turned around and figured I didn't need to avoid him. It was my common room as well. I went and sat on a chair and turned the lamp on. I opened my book and started reading. "Rose, what's wrong?" I didn't answer. "Rose? Why are you up?" He started to get agitated and was speaking louder this time. I put my book down and looked up at him. "You can't avoid me forever. Soon enough you are going to find out the truth." He went and sat on the sofa in a huff. I got up and sat next to him.
"Truth? What truth?"
"If you had just listened to me, Rose. If you had just taken a minute to listen to what I was going to say."
"Say it now then. Go on." 
He shook his head. "What I said, months ago, about Voldemort killing me if I don't do this-"
"What, do what?" I asked as my heart suddenly started racing.
"Wait, just, let me explain." I nodded. "That night, in the woods, Voldemort asked me to do something. He wanted something. If there was anyway he could get it, it was through me. Look, what I'm trying to say is that, Dumbledore has told me I must tell you this, and I've tried. But I'm afraid, now that I've told you, it's playing into Voldemort's plan." He sighed and looked into the fire once again.
"Draco, what is it? What is his plan?" I moved closer to him to show I wanted to know.
He looked round at me,"Not here. I can't tell you here. We must go somewhere else." He got up took a slip of paper out of his pocket and held it tightly in his hand. With the other hand he pulled me up and pulled me down out of the common room, out of the castle and down towards the shrieking shack. He stopped, just out of reach of the whomping willow.

"Rose, this isn't what I was supposed to do. First, let me tell you what happened that night. After Voldemort stunned you he told me that I needed to make sure you attend the final challenge in the tri-wizard cup. The thing is, Rose, I don't know how to tell you this." Draco swallowed hard and whispered,"Dumbledore has asked me to tell you, that you can't go to the final tri-wizard challenge because Voldemort will take you. And, he will take you because-" He paused.
"Because?! Why?" I said loudly. Although, I probably shouldn't have said it that loud.
"Because Voldemort is your father!" He blurted out. Suddenly, I stopped breathing. I stopped thinking. I stopped living. My mind was blank, I was speechless and they only thing I felt myself doing was falling onto the floor in shock. It can't be. It can't be. "It can't be." I whispered, shaking. "Draco, why?" I felt tears falling down my face. How is this even possible?
"Dumbledore, he explained everything to me. If, you, take a second to calm down, I can tell you. It's complicated but I can tell you." He helped me up and sat me down on a rock and started explaining.
"Listen, Voldemort told me, that night, in the woods, that he was your father. At first I didn't believe him, but it's true. He proved it. Then, I panicked because, well, he's the dark lord. Who wouldn't panic? Anyway, I felt as though, and this is going to sound horrible, but, I felt as though my hate for you had replenished because Voldemort had threatened to kill me. Me, being the selfish idiot that I am, chose to follow his orders. So, that day, when I kissed you, was only to shut you up. I swear, it was true that I apologized for being so mean to you over the years." Draco started to cry as he told me. He wiped his eyes and carried on. "So, when we stopped talking and you started seeing Cedric, I figured everything would go as planned. But, Dumbledore called me into his office a week ago to tell me that I needed to stop you from going to the final challenge, because of Voldemort. He said, 'Very, bad, miserable things will happen if she goes. It is essential she does not attend the challenge. I sense Voldemort will have something to do with the challenge tomorrow. I have felt the nights grow darker these past few days.' So, I started getting worried for you and I realized deep down it's you I love and I would risk my life for yours. So, seeing you earlier this night made me realize how much I love you and how much I wanted you safe. Rose, believe me, you HAVE to stay away tomorrow. Please." Draco has tears rolling off his cheeks, more than I did. I had now stopped crying and I got up and approached Draco.

"I. Am. Going. Tomorrow. That's final. Draco, I can't trust you anymore. After, everything you've done you expect me to obey your orders like a little lost puppy? Dumbledore can say that all he wants, I have parents. At home, we spent the holidays with Ron and his family. I don't care what you say. I am done. I'm not believing you until I see for myself. I guess that will never happen. So, your wrong. Goodnight, Draco." I turned and walked away. "Don't ever speak to me again" I called as I rushed back to bed. So many questions going through my head at full speed. I needed to sleep it off. Forget about it. I guess, I'll go to the challenge tomorrow. Than afterwards, I will go to Dumbledore's office and ask him myself. That way, I can be sure, because I can't believe anything Draco says at the moment. 

He has lied to me too much. I wasn't going to put up with it any longer.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now