Finale I - Running out of time

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Rose's POV

Harry kicked the diadem across the floor once he had destroyed it.

"Harry. I need your help." I said feeling incredibly nervous. "I know." He said sadly. Hermione and Ron both looked down. "Guys," I begun, "this isn't the end. I know that you're sad about this but honestly, it's for the best. You know that."

Hermione suddenly hugged me tightly and said, "You're an amazing witch. I wish you didn't have to go. I love you Rose." Tears began to prick my eyes and I hugged her tightly. "I love you too Hermione. Please don't ever change. You're amazing." I whispered and she let go of me wiping her eyes.

Ron looked up at me and smiled sadly. "I'm going to miss you." He said.

"I'll miss you too Ron." I said pulling him into a hug. "You're hilarious and I love you Ron. Remember that."

"I will." He said nodding. I let him go and turned to Harry. "Come here." He said holding his arms out. I hugged him and he said, "You're so courageous and brave. I wouldn't ever dream of doing this." I started to laugh and he did too, making a joke out of our situations.

"We're in this together. Until the end." He said pushing me back so he could see my face. "Got it?" He asked and I nodded wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Thank you Harry."

"Hermione, Ron, I need to go and find Snape. Rose come with me. We'll meet you two outside the entrance to Hogwarts when it's time for me to go." Harry explained.

Harry and I walked down the stairs and I said, "How do I do it Harry? It's easy for you. I mean he wants to kill you himself but he'd do anything it keep me alive. You're lucky. He doesn't know you're a horcrux."

"Honestly? I don't know."

"Maybe I could take a potion? There's Garrotting Gas, which suffocates, um, Weedosoros? But that makes you die three days later, um..."

Harry suddenly hugged me tightly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I'm going to miss you. And I can't believe you're talking about how you're going to die. This is horrible."

"Don't worry Harry. I'll be okay." I said as he pulled away.

"Well, the Garrotting Gas just suffocates and I doubt it would kill you. So I think a curse will have to do it." He said.

"Okay. So much for the easy way out." I said laughing.

"There's always the Imperius Curse. Whoever does it, well they can just tell you to.. You know."

"Good idea."

"When we see Ron and Hermione, I'll tell them to help you." Harry said.

"Thank you." I said beginning to tear up again. And I stopped myself from crying.

"Good luck Rose. I'll see you on the other side." He said.

Harry smiled and we reached the outside of Hogwarts and people were firing spells at the protection spell Professor Mcgonagall had put over the castle.

"Harry, we saw Snape a few minutes ago." Hermione said as she approached us with Ron following. "Good. I'll go. Rose, I suggest you try and do something to help. You know? Ron, Hermione, I think you might want to help Rose. See you later." He asked and I nodded realising I'd have to ask them both to help me out.

"Okay guys. I need to go. Now. Using the Imperius curse. Can you-"

"You want us to do it?" Ron asked.

"No one else will. And I can't just-"

"We will." Ron said looking at Hermione for support. She nodded and said, "I'll do it."

Draco's POV

"Have you seen Rose?" I asked Luna and Neville.

"Can't say we have. Why?" Neville asked.

"She's in danger I need to help her." I said. "Are you sure you haven't seen her?" I said getting frustrated.

"Sorry no." Luna said shaking her head.

I rolled my eyes and ran down the stairs pushing past people. I had to find her before it was too late.

"Fred, George! Have you seen Rose?" I asked.

"Why do you want her?" Fred asked.

"It's urgent, please! She's in trouble." I explained.

"They headed up to the astronomy tower." George said and I ran off straight away, making my way to the tower.

Rose's POV

"Are you ready?" Hermione asked as we got to the astronomy tower.

"I'm ready." I said and I started to cry. Ron hugged me tightly and I couldn't stop crying.

"Everything will be fine." He said and he let go of me.

"I'll miss Hogwarts. I'll miss everyone but most importantly I'll miss my friends. You're my family. My true family. I love you all very much." I said wiping my eyes.

"We love you too." Hermione said smiling sadly.

"Oh, and please can you tell Draco I love him. He's changed into a kind man and I wish I didn't have to go but I did it to save everyone. I wish him the best in his life. I'm sorry I couldn't make it."

"We will." Ron said nodding.

"Okay. I'm ready." I said, slowly breathing out as Hermione took out her wand.

Draco's POV

I was almost at the astronomy tower and started to run up the stairs as fast as I could. I heard faint voices and prayed that she was okay.

Narrative's POV

Hermione raised her wand and pointed it to Rose. She sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek as she began to say the words in her head.

Finally, she had the courage to say it aloud.


Rose suddenly fell to the floor and held her head tightly. She sat on the floor for a few seconds before slowly getting up. She looked up and the tears which had once fallen down her cheeks were now gone, and all that was left was the shiny residue of tears on her face.

"Rose?" Hermione said.

"Yes?" Rose answered.

"Are you alright?" Hermione said.

"I'm as alright as you want me to be." Rose said standing up straight.

Hermione looked at Ron shocked and Ron gave her a sympathetic look.

"Okay, Rose. I need you to do something for me..." Hermione began.

Draco's POV

I got to the top of the tower and saw Hermione, Ron and Rose standing in the middle of the room.

"I need you to do something for me." I heard Hermione say.

"Rose!" I shouted running into the room.

Rose stared at me blankly. I frowned and held her arm. "Rose, you're okay. Snape figured out everything. You're not a horcrux. This," I pointed to her necklace. "This is the horcrux. You don't have to die, you- Rose?" She stared at me blankly as if I was talking gibberish. I shook her and looked at Hermione and Ron who both looked devastated.

"What? What is it?" I said. Rose pushed me away and turned around.

"What have you done?!" I shouted glaring at them. I turned around and saw Rose climb up onto the balcony.

I ran towards her. "Rose! Stop!"

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now