Chapter 2

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Things...are, different... Things are changing inside me. I can feel it.

I feel like my world is spinning at times, and I don't feel who I was before I found out about my real parents. Last night, I had a dream. I was walking through a long corridor. It seemed to never end. As I walked through the corridor, I heard voices, soft voices. Telling me to come, telling me to follow the sound, telling me everything will be alright.

I didn't get there in the end, but before my dream ended, I came across a small object, my mother's ring. As I picked it up, I heard the same voice, but it sounded so much clearer. I heard a woman's voice, I thought it could have been my mother. She said,"You are one of them, there is no way he can be defeated, unless you join me. You must join me, for peace to flourish. You must join me. You must join me..." The voice then faded and a small ball of light appeared floating it's way down the corridor. I followed it, and it got faster, I got faster, and by the time I was bounding down the corridor as fast as my legs would carry me, the small ball of light disappeared...

Then I woke up.

I have no idea, what this means, or what I have become. If it's a death eater, I know I'm already one. However, if it's something else... I don't know. All I know is this isn't the first time I've had this dream. It always stops at the same point. Every. Single. Time.

I want answers, so many answers to all my questions. There are other things too.

The other day, I was walking to the courtyard to spend my free lesson, and I suddenly felt dizzy. The ground seemed to shake and move. Draco was with me so he helped me, but that's not the point. This hasn't ever happened before and, before Voldemort left Malfoy Manor... he whispered something to me. He said,"You may be becoming stronger than anything or anyone I've known. I trust you."

That's when he disapparated. I have a feeling I may be becoming more and more like him, in a power sense, sort of. I'm scared. Of what he might do to me if I fail him, or even worse, Draco. I can't think of anyone hurting him. Ever.

It all seems so wrong, but yet it feels right. To do this task he has asked us to overcome. I feel I need to do it. I do not know why I feel like this but, I have to.

Draco told me that we need to hex Katie Bell, and make her give something to Dumbledore. I told him I'm scared but he's not giving in. He said,"I'm doing this. With or without you." I guess he really has become one of them.

He's changed and not for the better.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now