Chapter 8

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As I got into her office she was surprisingly clam. "You will be writing lines now" She said. I got up to get my quill but she ushered me to sit down at her desk. "You won't be needing you pen today. You'll be using a rather special one of mine." She gave me a pen of hers. Obviously a pink feather...

"You must write; I must not be obnoxious." I frowned. How was that being obnoxious?
"How long should I write this for?" I sighed.
"Let's say as long as it takes for the message, to sink in." She said smugly and went back to finish "teaching" the class.

I wrote it down anyway, but how on earth was that being obnoxious?!
I must not be obnoxious.
I must not be obnoxious.
I must not be obnoxious.
I must not be-
Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my wrist, I looked down in horror as I saw my writing being inscribed onto my wrist in blood. I gulped and held my breath. The pain was horrible. This woman. If I could do the Avada Kadava curse I would have already hit her by now.

After lesson, she came back and said,"Has the message sunk in now?"
"Oh, I think it's sunk in immensly" I said sarcastically.
"Good!" She smiled at me and said I could leave.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now