Year 6 - Chapter 1

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As I got onto the train I looked left and right to try and find Harry and the others. I finally got to their cabin and went inside.
"Hey, guys. You'll never guess-" i started but got interrupted by Ron.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"What? I always come and sit with you on the train. Oh and why haven't any of you wrote to me?" I asked, confused by why Ron was acting like this.
"Oh I don't know, maybe because Umbridge knew something we didn't know about you? How your on his side? How you've joined him?" Harry questioned me.
"What, no, Umbridge only told Goyle to let me go because you know who's my father. Do you think she would mess with him? No. So what is your problem?" I said feeling angry they accused me of betraying them. Hermione sighed,"Rose, I'm sorry, but we think your working with...Voldemort, you wasn't at Ron's all summer and-"

I cut her off. "That was not my fault. Do you know where he took me? To bloody Malfoy Manor. You think I had a great holiday? No I was stuck there." I lied, I did have a good holiday, but they can't know I am with Draco. Not yet. It would only make things much much worse than they already are.
"Whatever." Harry said looking out the window.
"Can I- Never mind. I'll see you at school." I said as I left.

I walked down the corridor towards Draco and sat next to him. Of course bloody Pansy was there. I rolled my eyes and stared out the window. "Rose, are you alright?" Draco asked rubbing my arm affectionately.
"I'm fine" I said shrugging him off me. Suddenly black smoke filled the carriage and everybody started saying,"What's that? What is this? What's going on? What's in that?"
Once the smoke cleared, Draco was standing up looking around. "What was that? What is it?"
"Relax, it's probably just a first year messing around." Pansy said.
"Come, Draco. Sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon." I said pulling tugging on his hand and he eventually sat down.
"Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school. I think I pitched myself off the astronomy tab I thought I had to continue for another 2 years." Draco sighed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, feeling a little concerned.
"Let's just say I don't think I see me wasting my time in Charms class next year." He replied. Blaise then laughed a little then stopped quickly as Draco said, "Amused, Blaise? Let's see just who's laughing in the end." Draco scowled and looked out the window. Ever since Voldemort has asked us to do this, he's gotten more and more cockier and it's getting annoying if you ask me.

Once it was time to get off the train, Draco was still sitting there. "Are you coming?" I asked.
"No, you three go on. I wanna check something." He said, still sitting there.

Once everybody was in the Grand hall, we waited while the first years got put into their houses. Harry came in after everyone else and he was covered in blood. He was holding his nose with a tissue. "Draco, do you know what happened to Harry?" I whispered.
Draco shrugged, "Haven't got a clue" He then looked over at Dumbledore, who began his speech.

"First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff. Horace Slughorn. Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape. As you know, each and every one of you were searched upon your arrival here tonight. And you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man. Like you, sat in this very hall. Walked this castle's corridors. Slept under it's roof. You see, to all the world, a student like any other. His name: Tom Riddle." My stomach twisted and turned and I suddenly felt like this year wasn't going to be a good one. Dumbledore carried on. "Today of course, he is known all over the world by another name. Which is why as I stand, looking out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end, the greatest weapon is you." He paused, giving us a moment to think." Just something to think about. Now off to bed, pip pip." He declared.

Everyone got up and I followed Draco to the common rooms. I bumped into Harry on the way but he just ignored me and walked off. I honestly don't know what I have done...

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now