Chapter 6

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"Rose? Listen, you need to understand how this happened for you to make the right choices." He said as he pushed me back and studied my face. I nodded and he led me to a chair and helped me to sit down. I watched as he went over to a large stone bowl which had water in. He fiddle about with some vials on the shelf above the bowl. He pulled out a vial and held it up to the light. He looked at it intently then his eyes focused on me and he beckoned me over. I stood in front of the big stone bowl. "Sir, what exactly is this?" I choked trying to calm myself down.
"This here is a Pensieve." He said, pointing to the bowl. "And these are memories, memories taken from different people. Given their permission." He pointed to all the shelves. "Now, this memory," He opened the lid to the vial he was holding, "is one I need you to see for you to understand. Okay? Once I pour the vial into the bowl, you put your head into the water and watch." He explained. "Ready?" I nodded. He poured the vial into the bowl and I pushed my head into the water. There was mist until I saw a manor...

Dumbledore walked along the narrow pathway towards the front door of the manor house. He rang the doorbell and waited. As he waited, he admired the surroundings. It was surprisingly pleasant he thought. As the door opened, a woman with long golden brown hair greeted Dumbledore. They carried on into the living room and sat down opposite each other. "Albus," said the woman, "I'm afraid I am in need of your help. As you know, I had a child a few weeks ago. A girl Rosaline, and I want you to take her away to another family. I fear she is in danger." The woman started to cry and Dumbledore put his hand on hers and said, "I will do whatever I can to help you, Teresa. Why do you think she is in danger?" He asked.

"Well, it's Tom, he has almost become consumed whole by his idea of... immortality. He is always down in the cellar, working on his latest plans. The only time he spends time with us is at dinner, then he says goodnight to Rosaline and I and disappears. I can't have Rose growing up without a father. She is so precious to me. Also, Tom has changed, drastically. The other night after I had settled Rose to bed, I went downstairs to see Tom, and well, he warned me if I ever went into his cellar again, he won't be responsible for his actions. He turned into a caged animal... He them dragged me up the stairs and pushed me out... He isn't the man I fell in love with, Albus..." Teresa pulled out a tissue and wiped her eyes. Dumbledore looked down in dismay and shook his head. "Albus, I want Rosaline to be safe. Away from him."

Dumbledore nodded. "Teresa, you were a great, smart and strong witch in Hogwarts when I taught you. Stay strong. You have made the right choice, as you always will in life." He assured her. Teresa smiled weakly and got up slowly. "Come, I'll get Rosaline ready to go." She said, almost in a whisper. Dumbledore followed her to the nursery, where little Rosaline was sleeping, peacefully. Next to Rosaline's bed, was a small suitcase. Inside, were clothes, a few toys, and an enormous amount of money. Teresa pulled off her necklace and placed it into the suitcase. "Albus, I want you to give her my necklace when the time is right." She said as she closed the suitcase.

Teresa picked up Rosaline slowly. Rosaline was still asleep. "Rosaline?" Teresa began, "I love you darling. I'm afraid you are going to have to leave me. For your own good. Believe me this is hard, sweetheart. But I'll always love you, always. I'll be forever in your heart and in your dreams. Telling you I love you. I'll miss you forever. Like the sun miss the stars in the morning sky. But don't be upset, ever, because your strong, and I know your just a baby now, but when you are at Hogwarts, and becoming a wonderful witch, your going to be the best witch who ever lived. I know it."

Teresa was crying by now, and as she held back her tears, she kissed Rosaline's head, and said, "Oh, how lucky I am to have something, that makes saying goodbye to so hard. Your special Rosaline, I'll never forget you. I wish I'll see you again. Goodbye darling. I love you." Teresa hugged Rosaline tightly, then gave her to Dumbledore, who hugged Teresa affectionately. Teresa gave Dumbledore the suitcase and said, "Take care of her, Albus. Thank you." Dumbledore replied with a nod.
"My dear Teresa, never have I seen such courage and bravery. You truly are an angel. I will do whatever I can to protect Rosaline. Farewell, Teresa." Dumbledore took one look at Teresa, who was smiling weakly, and he then disapperated.

I pulled my head out of the water in shock and turned to look at Dumbledore. "Your mother, she was truly courageous. Never forget that."

"Yes sir, I-I understand everything now. Apart from the fact on how I am a Horcrux I-"
"Rose, this is what I will tell you now." He interrupted me. "When, lets say, when your mother and father decided they wanted you. You know what they had to do. It's not easy for me to say this, you must understand, it's not in my division, shall we say. Now let's just say... when your mother and father were, um, "making" you. It has come to my understanding, that a surge of his power, had gotten into you, part of his soul latched onto you, in some way, shape or form. Then you became one of his Horcruxes. Now, I fear, if he knows this, he will do anything, to keep you alive. It could prove fatal for you instead. You must be wary. For you are different to everyone else. Apart from - never mind. But hear this, every second, Voldemort is getting stronger. Ready to fight. Many lives could be lost. But do not have grief over it. They will always be in your heart."
"Yes sir. Thank you. For everything. You truly are a great man." I gave Dumbledore a hug.
"Don't worry about the fact you are a Horcrux, okay?" He assured me. Somehow, I felt a little better.

"Yes sir." I then left his office. By the time I had gotten downstairs, it was our lunch time. So, I went to find Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now