Chapter 7

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"Take her away" Voldemort ordered and a death eater grabbed me and pulled me away from Draco.
Voldemort approached me and said,"Such a shame". He raised his wand. "Stupefy" I was knocked out.
As I woke up I propped myself up and looked around. I rubbed my eyes and the moon was still out. It was still dark and I could just see Hogwarts through the trees. I slowly got up and scanned the area. If there was anyone here, the last person I would want to see is Voldemort. I wondered if it was a dream. It couldn't be. I remember Voldemort clearly.

Suddenly something grabbed my hand and pulled me forwards approaching the castle. It was Draco.
"Wait, Draco stop". I yanked my hand from his grip and frowned at him. He looked flustered. "What's going on? You better explain this to me right now," I pulled my wand out, "otherwise-"
"Expelliarmus!" Draco disarmed me from my wand and sighed. "Look, I have no time for this. We need to get back to the castle. I'll explain when we are inside."
"Fine" I answered and we walked back to Hogwarts without saying another word to each other.

As we got back to the common room, Professor Snape was at the door. "Out of bed after hours I see? You've just earned yourselves a week's detention. Both of you. Silvers, return to your dormitory immediately. Malfoy, a word."

I returned to my dormitory and got in bed and tried to fall asleep. It was no use. I was scared. Voldemort attacked me. I guess he didn't want me eavesdropping on their conversation.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now