Chapter 13

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I sighed as I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep at all. Suddenly there was a faint knock on my door. I sat up, turning and waited. To see if whatever it was had gone. Still, a faint knock again. I got up and dressed in an old t-shirt and some shorts as it was hot, and opened the door. It was Draco.

I hardly got a chance to speak before he kissed me hard pushing me into the room and kicking the door shut. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel his heartbeat on my chest, he wasn't lying when he said I make his heartbeat increase. I didn't know what was going on, all I knew was that he wasn't supposed to be in here. I pulled away from him and quickly said,"What are you doing? You know your not supposed to be in the girls sections."
"Does it look like me of all people would care? Does it look like I'd even follow the rules?" He stated as he smirked at me.
"Pfft, I know that. I was trying to sleep. Why are you in here anyways?" I asked curiously.
"No reason." He smirked.
"So you think you'd just come in here and give me what felt like a dementors kiss?" I said jokingly.
"Come on. With a face like this?" He gestured to himself. "You wouldn't be able to say no to Azkaban." He purred.

I laughed at him and sat on the bed. I was too tired to stand up. "Well, what do you want Draco?" I ask softly.
"You" he winked at me.
"I'm serious Draco"
"Yeah, well I'm sorry about this morning. I was just annoyed and I took it out on you. Anyway I won't act like that again." He said looking down at the ground.

"It's okay." I said quietly. I got myself in bed and pulled the blanket over me. Draco nodded and went to leave. "Wait, Draco. Stay here, please?" I asked. He turned around smugly and got in my bed. I shuffled down and Draco wrapped his arms around me. I had my back to him but his stomach was up against my back and he whispered. "I'm doing this every night."
"Hmm, great." I sounded dreamy then. Weird. But I grabbed one of his hands and our fingers found each other. He wrapped his arm other arm tightly around my waist and I fell asleep soon enough.

When I woke up, Draco was already awake. "How long have you been awake?" I ask.
"Half an hour, maybe. Why?" He said.
"Draco! And you just lay there?"
"Yeah it's nice with you." He laughed as he kissed the top of my head. I rolled myself over and rested my head on his shoulder. We had another half an hour before we had to get ready.

I wrapped my arms around him and said,"I like this."
"What?" He asked.
"Us. I like us."
"Me too." It was silent for a moment. "Whats that?" He asked suddenly. I sat up slowly, confused.
"What's what?" I ask.
"On your wrist." He sat up concerned. I swallowed hard. I totally forgot about it. Crap.
"Don't worry about it. It's nothing." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist.
"I must not be obnoxious" he said slowly reading it. "Who did this to you?" He let go of my wrist and I got up and put a cardigan on.

"No one worth speaking about. Just forget about it." It was almost 7.00. Free period. Meeting in Hogsmeade with Harry. Oh no. I jumped up and almost got dressed. Then I realised Draco was still there. "Draco, can I get dressed?"
"No ones stopping you." He smirked. I sighed.
"Draco, that means you leave my room." I laughed at him. He walked over to me and held my hands. Leaning his head into mine.
"But I wanna stay here." He said seductively. He leant in and kissed me. "We both have free period today. Stay with me."
"I can't, Harry needs to meet with me in Hogsmeade." I told him. "So, I need to get ready. Go and get ready yourself. You can walk down with me?"
"Fine." He said as he walked out the room. Before he left he said,"Can I just stay?"
"No!" I shouted as I threw my pillow at him. I heard him chuckle as he shut the door.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now