Chapter 3

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Harry's Letter:

Hello Rose,
I hope your well. I can't wait to see you again in a couple of weeks.
As always, I am secretly writing to you as my Aunt and Uncle think
I don't deserve friends. Any who, enough of me. How are you?
Sirius said he would come and visit me once I am back at Hogwarts.
Which I am excited about. Well, i look forward to hearing from you.


Hermione's Letter:

Hello Rose,
I am having a nice holiday. I hope you are. I don't know how
you cope with Ron and his brothers every day! I wouldn't be
able to handle it! Haha, anyway, how are you? I'm excited in
seeing you again and I have tons to tell you. I miss you. Hope
everything is okay. You know, with what happened at the end
of the year :). Well, I'll talk to you soon then!
Hermione X

Neville's Letter:

Hiya Rose,
Is everything okay? i'm sorry about Cedric. I never got
a chance to apologize. Anyway, I'm great. How are you? I hope
your having fun and know that your friends will always be with
you. Always :)
Neville :)

Luna's and Seamus' Letter's were more or less the same as Neville's. I was curious to open the last letter. All it said on the front was...

Rose Silvers

Written in lovely handwriting.

Hello Rose,
It's me, Draco.

(My heart stopped. I didn't think he'd actually write to me. At all actually)

I just wanted to see how you was, you know. I miss you, a lot. I wish
you could come and visit me. Bellatrix is here at the moment though. It probably wouldn't be best. Oh, Bellatrix is like, one of the dark lords faithful servants. So, that's why it would be best you didn't come...
Well, I hope your okay and well.

Father is giving me hell lately but you
know, they do that sometimes...

Rose, I miss you so much. Know that your my friend. My only friend
I truly care about. You consume my thoughts all the time. All day, everyday.

Everyday I miss you more and more and I am actually looking forward to
going back to Hogwarts to see you. That's all I want. You. I feel so annoyed because your friends hate me. I'm not going to lie, I don't particularly like them either, but I am willing to change that for you. I can only hope that in time, some part of you will find contentment in what I can offer you because I want
nothing else than for you to be happy. I will do what you need me to do to make that happen, because in the end, I just want to keep you, I need to keep you in which ever way you are willing to give yourself to me.

I miss you, Rose. I miss your face. Your smile. Your hair. I even miss our arguments...

Just know that I miss you so much, my heart aches and my head is lost.

Rose? You don't have to reply to my letter. I just hope you took the time to read it and realize how I truly feel about you.

All my love,

As I read though his letter, I felt myself feeling different. Something I had never felt before. I felt butterflies in my stomach...
"Who wrote to you?" Ginny asked as she walked in to sit in the chair next to me. My heart started racing and I quickly shoved Draco's letter in the envelope and pushed it underneath the others.
"Just, er, Harry, Hermione, Seamus, Luna and Neville." I said.
"Ooh, okay." She smiled and I put the rest of the letters away slowly.

Dinner was ready and we all ate...

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now