Chapter 13

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story in so long. I had writers block and I was stuck and I didn't want to write a pointless chapter and bore you. But this is a bit of a filler so, ya know...
But, someone very helpful suggested something to me and I felt it was a good idea so I am going to be using that :) Thank you to that person, you know who you are :)
Enjoy! X

I lay in bed that night unable to sleep. I didn't want to die but if it means saving my friends then its got to be done. I was deep in thought when I heard shouting from outside. I got out of bed and looked out the window. Was that- Was that Draco? Draco and Harry fighting!

Oh hell no. I knew Draco would never be able to be nice. I should've known.

I opened my bedroom door taking my wand and walled down the stairs angrily in my pyjamas and slippers. "Rose! What's going on!" I heard Hermione and Ron shout after me.

Without turning around I said, "BOYS NEVER LISTEN." I shouted up to them as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

I opened the front door and stormed out. I saw Harry and yelled "expelliarmus!" and his wand flew out of his hand. He turned to me and looked shocked. I then turned to Draco and yelled the same thing and his wand flew away too. I turned to Harry and raised my eyebrows. I was standing in between them now and I was going to speak but Fred ran out and raised his wand. "Stupefy!" He yelled and pointed his wand towards Draco.

As if on instinct I ran to block Draco and everything turned black.

Draco's POV

I watched as Rose flew backward and landed on the floor with a thud. My eyes grew wide and shed been knocked out. I ran over to her, collecting my wand on the way and shook her. "Rose wake up. Come on." I said. I looked up and by now the whole weasley family were standing there. I glared at Fred.

"Come to see the show have you? This is all your fault." I spat and I stood up.

"Leave." I heard someone say.

"What?" I said, searching for the crowd for who said it.

"Leave!" I saw Hermione step out glaring at me.

"Filthy Mud blood." I mumbled. I attempted to pick Rose up.

"Leave her alone." Fred shouted. He walked over to me and picked Rose up. Guilt was plastered across his face. I shook my head. He backed away with her in his arms and walked inside, Molly, Arthur, George and Ginny followed him inside. Ron, Hermione and Harry were glaring at me.

I gave up and disapperated. Why should I try and help when everybody is always pushing me away?





Rose's POV

I soon woke up lying on the sofa. I groaned as my head was throbbing. I saw Fred hovering over me. "Oh my god. Are you alright Rose? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to stun you I just-"

"I'm fine." I said hauling myself up. I sat up and Molly brought me a cup of Tea. I smiled and took the cup. I drank some and put the cup on the table beside me.

"Harry?" I asked as I saw him come inside. "When are we going to find these horcruxes. We need to destroy every last one as soon as we can. I want to help you." I said. He gave me a sorry look.

"We can start tomorrow. The sooner the better." He said giving Ron and Hermione a look.

I nodded standing up slowly. Fred helped me up and I smiled at him.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow then." I sighed.

"I'll help you." Fred said following me upstairs.




I got in bed and sighed. Fred sat on the end of my bed. "I'm sorry for stunning you. I'm so sorry-"

"Fred. I'm alive, I'm fine. Thank you." I said smiling.

He got up. "Alright. I'll see you in the morning then."

"Bye Fred." I said before he shut my door.

I turned to face the wall and shut my eyes. I soon fell asleep.

The Duchess Of Slytherin | A Draco Malfoy FanFiction (Years 4-7)Where stories live. Discover now